Feedback on the Kickstart Meal Replacement Program

BlackWidow Member Posts: 272
Following surgery to clean out an arthritic knee my health fund sent me some forms for a weight loss program run by Healthy Weight for Life.  My doctor approved it so I followed through. 
A big box of food sachets and an even bigger manual arrived - much of which was given over to constipation which is a side-effect of the program.  Lots of suggestions like using Dulcolax !!!!
I am thinking this is not a healthy alternative and the box is still sitting there, gathering dust.
So, before I throw it out, has anyone used this program and what is your feedback ?
I am 70+ kgs and only need to lose 5-6 kgs to look good.  Obviously weight-bearing exercise is not recommended.
PLEASE, I do not want other weight loss advice so only those having used the program please respond.
Thank you   Anne


  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    No I haven't used these shakes (but I have used optifast which causes some people to develop constipation also ). The trouble with a lot of natural type remedies is they contain a lot concentrated fruit sugars. However "benefiber" might be a good alternative. Can be added to hot or cold drinks. It's not gritty but creates the  bulk that is lacking drinking shakes. It literally has no taste. 
  • BlackWidow
    BlackWidow Member Posts: 272
    Hello @primek.  Thank you.  That sort of filler was suggested also.  I am really not sure if I want to do this as in the past I have just reduced my natural healthy diet and I do eat mostly natural foods with limited chemicals.  Reading the ingredients on the sachet packs made my skin crawl.  My body wants to be this weight apparently !  Did you find the weight went back on as soon as you went back to ''normal'' food ?  Anne
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I have gained back weight but its not related to the shakes. If you switch to a healthy eating plan it should be fine.  Certainly your appetite is reduced after a longer period of refuced volumes of food.

    The fibergel doesn't make you feel full. It's just cellulose fibre if I recall. 
  • BlackWidow
    BlackWidow Member Posts: 272
    Thank you.  The appetite being reduced does appeal (Oh, I love my food  :D) but the side-effects and that list of ingredients does not.  Still looking at the box !
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I actually felt really well on optifast. Between all the added vitamins  and minerals and eating loads of veg. My appetite decreased after day 3. 
  • BlackWidow
    BlackWidow Member Posts: 272
    Oooh, something to look forward to then !  I tried one and it was disgusting !  Like cardboard or cement.  Still not sure what to do.  What's 5 kgs between friends ?  Anne