Mental Health Plan
I am officially certified. They were more than happy to put me on the mental health plan. My new cheeky ‘fifteen year old’ doctor acted surprised that I wasn’t on one already!
Adelaide Fringe performance about metastatic breast cancer
I was recently given a heads up about a Fringe performance about metastatic breast cancer. https://adelaidefringe.com.au/fringetix/the-archive-of-educated-hearts-af2019?venue=166%3A319 Thee is a special session of it this Thursday evening (21st Feb) at 7:15pm where there will be a Q&A after the show about the personal…
I had my first lazer treatment on Monday, they checked my breasts with a fluid metre and I did have some show up in my right breast. Had two different things on my breast just felt like pins & needles was very tired later and had very loud tummy gurgles which was the lymphatic working. I have booked two more sessions and…
Brisbane/Gold Coast Support Group
hi, is there a brisbane/gold coast support group?
Feeling Down
I have been feeling quite sad the last couple of days. I don’t know if it is cause the whole BC experience this year has hit me or it’s this time last week we were supposed to go on our holiday and we got delayed a day and had to cut it short - silly I know but I had been so looking forward to it and I don’t seem to take…
Desperate measures
My Osteopath left the clinic and of course no-one will tell me where he went. There are only two osteo’s that my body likes. My first one lives on the other side of Melbourne. She trained someone who moved to Geelong and their treatment is identical! So she transferred me over to him. Then he left! I have been wondering…
I would like to acknowledge and thank all that have made the time to guide and support others on the blog over the Christmas period when professional help becomes more difficult as we spend time celebrating the festive season with our family and friends. It has been especially important for those newly diagnosed in the run…
Finished rads today, bittersweet
Hi Ladies, I had my last radiotherapy treatment today, 30 in total. I'm sure somewhere in my brain/body I am celebrating this milestone but to be honest I am a weepy mess! My original plan on finishing active treatment was to visit my parents who live(d) interstate. My mum is in residential care after her own cancer battle…
Strange itch.
Many years ago I had axillary clearance with a mastectomy. Today I have the weirdest itch. I am numb where my lymph noes were removed so I cannot scratch the itch, even though it is so very itchy.
Exersize with sub pec implant
Hi everyone. I have just started back my favourite sport, lap swimming 18 months after my single side recon with silicon implant behind the muscle. It's going well just a little bit weird stretching feeling. The implant still feels really firm and slightly tight . My question is for other ladies that do chest exercises…
1st Rad Appointment
My 1st Radiation tomorrow. Any tips and tricks to know??? xx
The New Me.
I was so looking forward to a works Christmas Party this weekend to catch up with people I hadn't seen for a quite a while as well as friends who have been there for me since the beginning of this shitty BC journey. I got the old glad rags on ready for a fun night but once having got there I just felt I didn't belong.…
New members in the "lets talk about Vaginas group " so pop in and say hi
HI Members of lets talk about Vaginas group we have been getting quite a few new members posting in the group why not pop over to group welcome them and maybe answer some of their questions...
Breast prosthesis
looking for recommendations for brand of breast prothsesis? How are they sized- looking for a D ( I was a 10G prior surgery)
hello all, i started my 5 week course of radiation for breast cancer yesterday, and would like to try and continue my regular walking program during this time if it’s possible. I’d like to hear of others experiences of fatigue, and what it might be realistic to expect to be able to do. I’m also have a small problem finding…