When to see doctor
At what stage do you go to the doctor for ‘different’ sensations? I don’t want to be paranoid but I also don’t want to seem a hypochondriac. I am loathe to ask my BC nurse anything as she just tells me, “that is normal. You have to stop worrying’ How do I know what is normal. I have never had BC before. I have a lump under…
Chemo curls
How long did it take for you to lose your chemo curls? I’m 6 months past chemo & my hair is growing quite fast, but I think it’s getting curlier 🧐. Wouldn’t mind getting my straightish hair back now (although I am happy just having hair)
Pallas Trial
Hi. Been a long time since I've been here. I was just wondering if there's any Pallas girls still out there. How are you going? What cycle are you up to? What's your experience like? Would love to compare.
Hair today...
I got my first post-chemo haircut yesterday (as opposed to the No. 1 I gave myself). I hadn't seen my lovely hairdresser since before this shit began. I didn't want to tell her what was going on over the phone as she has lost too many close family members over the last couple of years to various cancers. But she knew as…
Pregnancy after Hormone Positive Breast Cancer
Hi, I went through my journey at age 36 after having given birth to Mr5. Since then my children’s father and I have separated and I am now dating someone new. Whilst neither of us want children my 2 pre-cancer children were both unplanned pregnancies so I know my fertility rate was rather high. Just wondering how others…
I've never had much problem with cramping. Other than in my calves the night after an evening spent in high heels! However lately they have increased. This morning I was at yoga and repeatedly had to break position due to cramps in various parts of my body. Is this a menopausal thing? An AI thing? Or just me? I drink…
I attended a Cancer and Wellbeing day run by Counterpart this week. We did Feldenkrais, some light aerobics and theraband work, Qi Gong and a fantastic deep meditation. There was a very good lunch and lots of time to chat and connect with the other participants. For Melbourne and Victorian folks (they're running a wellness…
Recommended wig brands
Hi I am just looking to see if theres any recommended wig brands, preferably ones trialled and tested yourself. Online or in store.Havent had much luck with wig shopping in sydney city today so im feeling a bit disappointed.
I'm not a very nice person. I get so irritable and irritated lately...actually, just plain angry, and feel as if I could bite someone. I have no patience with people doing their jobs poorly (because, of course, I'm so perfect). I was heading into grumpy old/middle-aged womandom before BC but, far out, I've exceeded all…
Am I allowed to get excited about an achievement on here? I know this may sound silly, but today I completed some horrible paperwork I have been putting off AND I am not stressed AND I did not hit panic stations. I did it! I feel so good. Unfortunately the numbers didn’t crunch out the way they needed to, but I am okay…
Honey and Cancer
Finally I seem to be doing something right. I love honey and eat it by the teaspoon daily. I make sure I buy mine from a bee keeper, not the shops. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3385631/
So true
I wasn’t sure where to put this. It isn’t a Friday funny and it isn’t a positive thought. Just a fact.
Permission to speak: Giving older adults a voice in teaching health professionals how to communicate
I found this in my emails and I thought there are a few of us over 60 on here .... https://unesurveys.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8ADkd4AQZFYCj7nAre you over 60 ? then this might interest you... Permission to speak: Giving older adults a voice in teaching health professionals how to communicate about intimate matters Our…
Menopause Belly
I have been feeling the heaviest in my life round my belly. Thought it was all due to bloating from The tamoxifen but turns out it’s a menopause thing! https://aaptiv.com/magazine/menopause-belly
DCIS and no radiotherapy required (yay!) - but still feeling emotional post-surgery
Hi all you amazing women.I had a diagnosis of Intermediate Grade 2 DCIS just before Christmas, and now, three weeks after breast-conserving surgery, I've had the most fabulous news that I don't need radiotherapy, and simply to follow up annually for the next 10 years. I am absolutely blessed. I feel incredibly grateful and…