Menopause Belly

Kiwi Angel
Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
edited March 2019 in Health and wellbeing
I have been feeling the heaviest in my life round my belly. Thought it was all due to bloating from The tamoxifen but turns out it’s a menopause thing!


  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,534
    Yep. My chemo induced menopause brought on a lovely rotund belly.
  • Patti J
    Patti J Member, Dragonfly Posts: 589
    It doesn't have to happen. 
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    I was menopausal way before cancer and to be honest had practically no weird or unwelcome side effects. One really heavy bleed and that was it. I sympathise with all those having unpleasant and unwelcome symptoms, but not everyone gets them.
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @Afraser u seem to be one of the lucky ones that breezed though - I’m envious. Compared to others I’m not doing too bad though. 

    @Patti J I have always eaten well and exercised lots but I can feel how everything has shifted in my trunk area - feels very uncomfortable. 
  • Artferret
    Artferret Member Posts: 259
    That was what i found too a couple of years ago. My weight hadn't changed but where it sat did! 
  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    I have 2 spare tyres if anyone wants one.
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    Don't get me wrong @Kiwi Angel, I do not have a flat stomach! Just that I can't blame menopause for the spare tyre that I am blessed with, like @TonyaM.
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @Artferret I have been talking about my “fat pad” to my husband and he has been laughing at me. Able to show him proof last night!  

    @Afraser I am carrying a little extra after the crap I craved and ate during chemo. 

  • Patti J
    Patti J Member, Dragonfly Posts: 589
    @Kiwi Angel. It takes an enormous amount of discipline. 
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @Patti J I am generally very disciplined but when u don’t sleep and your job entails you to be on your feet for at least 11 hours per day unfortunately getting up at 5am to go for a run before I get to work at 7.30 is taking a slightly lower priority these days. 
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,534
    @Patti J Not sure how discipline is going to help much. I was following an exercise Physio regime during chemo and still lost all my muscle tone. Then I had a mastectomy and whilst doing gentle stretching exercises I pulled my torso muscles, twice. The Osteopath and lymphodema  Physio are starting me on Pilates this week. My diet is healthy and I do not eat a lot. I walk regularly even though the peripheral neuropathy in my feet and ankles cause me grief. I am not saying this to get sympathy, just letting you know where I stand. What would be your suggestion to losing this belly bump? I have cut out sugar, wheat, dairy, alcohol and cut my coffee down to one a day. 
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @Blossom1961 u are better behaved than me xoxo
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,804
    I think they refer to it as shifting hormones! 
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @iserbrown found the article quite interesting. As I work in the veterinary field I have often referred to myself as a neutered bitch and I now feel like I have the fat pad that cats sometimes get  ;)
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,534
    @Kiwi Angel To be honest, I am only behaved due to no choice. I am wheat and dairy sensitive. Sugar and caffeine set off my night hot flushes. I have never been a big alcohol drinker, just the occasional glass or social drink. I walk because I need it for my head space. I don’t eat a lot because I have an eight cm fibroid that pains when I eat. No good giving me credit when it isn’t deserved. If it wasn’t for the stupid hot flushes chocolate would be my staple diet!