Problems with blood tests

Karenhappyquilter Member Posts: 242
edited December 2018 in Health and wellbeing
Hi I had chemo therapy 2 years ago.  When I now go for blood tests there is difficulty getting blood out of the vein in my elbow.  Does anyone else have this problem? Is it caused by the chemo (I had FEC)?  Has anyone got any tips for how to improve this?  I also find it quite upsetting whereas prior to cancer it didn’t worry me having a blood test.


  • pammiesyd
    pammiesyd Member Posts: 69
    I had chemo 6 years ago. Since then my veins have been even more difficult to get blood than before. (Too many blood donations!) Last time I needed a blood test, the blood sucker took blood from the back of my hand. Surprisingly pain free.
  • Clouise
    Clouise Member Posts: 25
    I finished IV chemo in May but still having 3 weekly blood tests while on Xeloda and yes some weeks my veins refuse to work.  I’ve tried drinking lots before hand, using a stress ball to see if that helps but not really.  My oncologist suggested recently that a warm (not hot) heat pack on my arm 30 mins before would help and fingers crossed that is working for now.  Doesn’t help when they can only use one arm.  I also now dread blood tests, never used to bother me before. 
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    It may be scar tissue. Veins essentially have to heal and a very small amount of scar tissue forms. Use a vein often enough and the scar tissue increases. I had a lot of blood tests and most using one arm, as I developed lymphoedema, so getting blood out of my right elbow is a bit like drawing teeth from hens! There is of course the "cunning veins have wised up and run away" theory but not substantiated. 🙂
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Yes. My veins are very small now. I need to overhydrate before blood tests. 
  • smokie08
    smokie08 Member Posts: 157
    My veins are crap now last blood test I had took 4 attempts as veins are very small and need a butterfly needle  I sat in the waiting room with gloves on and a heat pack got the blood from the back of my hand.  When I need a cannula fitted for CT or MRI I have it under ultrasound. My veins were always a bit hard to find but since chemo they are worse. 
  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    Mine were a real problem but seem to have gotten more amicable with time.  Like the others have said lots of water before hand and a heat pack will often work wonders if they have one available