Cruel Kids
I just had a knock at the door...no-one was there but a note had been left. It read...."Dear Mrs Mental, Leave our neighourhood. Nobody likes you." I had to shave my head 10 days ago because of chemo and should be able to walk around my house and yard as I wish! I know its ignorant teenagers( the writing style looks like a…
Humour where needed
Hi ladies, hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas xx. Just had to share this with like minded people. I was cooking dinner 2 nights ago and someone comes to the door. Being Christmas time, my husband was home which in itself is unusual. Also having a door knocker is unusual. I hear my husband speaking to a young,…
Just getting started
Just wanted to say "Hi!" I am a newbie,61yrs old, just had a lump ultrasounded and xrayed on Tuesday and the radiologist told me to get to my GP asap, and rang my GP herself. I have an IDC with associated DCIS, which looks like a fluffy lollypop.This was totally out of the blue. I am booked to see Peter Willsher tomorrow…
Modelling! :-)
Since my last session of chemo, I've been trying to think of ways to perk myself up... and back in the day when I was younger, skinnier and had more hair, I used to enjoy planning photoshoots with photographers, playing dress-ups, experimenting with crazy make up and generally acting like a twit in front of the camera in…
OMG what a stroke of luck
Hi Ladies, OMG I got my results back from my surgery in November and I am so pleased I had that surgery. The results showed that I had cysts in both ovaries and in one tube! Now these weren't malignant at all but these things can turn nasty. I wanted to put off this surgery for 6 months as I was so over it all but my onc…
Amazing support
WOW, this has been amazing, I joined my frist group today and wrote a post asking for advice on chemo... the support has been amazing, I have wonderful support from family and friends but felt that no one really understood how I was feeling and what I am going through. However here I have found everyone understands me and…
Organising support
Hi all, I've been diagnosed last week (invasive ductal, hormone positive, HER postive) and have three kids and the oldest is five. My mum, who lives overseas (I'm originally from Europe) has offered to come for a few months and help and support our family. In which part of my journey do you think I would need most…
Legana Amcal Pharmacy
I would like to say to all the ladies who have called in to see me at my workplace how great it has been to see you. I was rapt when the Burnie couple visited, and enjoyed the catch up. Leanne. I also have had about 5 who call in regularly which is fantastic! The support continues. I hadnt seen one lady since the "Journey…
My First Post
Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with DCIS in my right breast just before Christmas. It was a total shock (as i am sure it is to everyone) i have no history of BC in my family. I have my girlfriend from work to thank as she "bullied" me into going for a mammogram in our lunch break - i had never given a thought to having one…
Working from home?
Hi everyone, I'm looking for ideas on how I can make some money from home whilst undergoing treatment. I finished a contract about 2 weeks after being diagnosed, and it's been quite a blow financially and (?) psychologically, as I hate not being able to contribute to even the basic bills, and even though side effects wise…
Happy New Year Eveveryone
Hi there My Pink Sisters, I hope that you all enjoyed your Festive season, I was lucky enough to have a couple of weeks leave so have stayed completely away from my computer over the period, sorry for the late seasos greatings. Today its back to work and back to my everyday life. I had my sister come and visit over the…
Why do we Google?
Hi, I am Kate, I am 32 and have been having bloody discharge from my R nipple for over 12 months. First ultrasound showed nothing but after consistant discharge I went back to my breast Dr. Another ultra-sound and two Mammograms (in the same day) and I have no conclusive answers. This happened today!!! The radiographer…
Welcome 2014
Hello Pink Ladies, I wish you all a healthy, happy and fantastic New Year. I hope 2014 brings you all what you wish for. We all have, are , or about to embark on our journey with BC, so we need to remember we can beat this. I am about to embark on my second year from diagnosis and I have gone through many bad times,…
New Year
Wishing everyone a happy and healthy New Year . To those having treatment all my wishes . Let's hope 2014 brings us closer to if not a cure. Stay strong. Deb
2013 what a year
As they year comes to a close it has been hard not to reflect on the year that has been and the year that will come. Of course I will finish 2013 with a CT scan to see how my mets are behaving. Christmas was spent with family & was very emotional for me, although I did manage to hide this well. Tomorrow night being New…