OMG what a stroke of luck

mgndam1603 Member Posts: 753
edited January 2014 in General discussion

Hi Ladies,

OMG I got my results back from my surgery in November and I am so pleased I had that surgery. The results showed that I had cysts in both ovaries and in one tube! Now these weren't malignant at  all but these things can turn nasty.

I wanted to put off this surgery for 6 months as I was so over it all but my onc and gyno both insisted that it needed to be done early, I am so glad I listened.

I honestly feel that I have had good fortune on my side all the way. My BC was diagnosed in a routine mammogram and picked up early, CT scans picked up my renal cancer and it was caught before it spread (just) and now this. It tatts tickets for me as I am feeling very lucky indeed.

Sending you all great big hugs





  • Janey235
    Janey235 Member Posts: 1,206
    edited March 2015
    Great news indeed. You should take out tats lotto it could be just the lucky ticket. May fortune continue to favour you.

    Big hugs right back to you.

    Love Janey xxx
  • Janey235
    Janey235 Member Posts: 1,206
    edited March 2015
    Great news indeed. You should take out tats lotto it could be just the lucky ticket. May fortune continue to favour you.

    Big hugs right back to you.

    Love Janey xxx
  • adean
    adean Member Posts: 1,036
    edited March 2015
    What great news to start the year of . Regards adean
  • AnnaB
    AnnaB Member Posts: 176
    edited March 2015

    Well done for fronting up for more surgery.  I am not being advised to have ovaries out as I'm post menopause but my gut is telling me to have it done.  Your story is more food for thought as I decide what to do.  One friend asked if the idea of losing more of my 'girl' parts bothered me.  Absolutely not I say - I'm definately a girl no matter what I'm left with or without.  I'm all  for bringing on the rest of my life with the least amount of worry.


  • mgndam1603
    mgndam1603 Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    I am also post menopause but had a sister that had ovarian cancer so it was deemed important. Ovarian and Breast Cancer have the same genetic tag they tell me so with this in mind it was really a no brainer, but I really had wanted to wait 6 months just to give my body a rest, I am so very grateful I didn't!.

