The Universe's Next Joke

Three years ago, around about this time, I was given my diagnosis of breast cancer. I ended up calling it my "Speed Bump", cause it was just a little hurdle in my journey of life. I finished my treatment 16/9/11 - the day of my birthday. This is the only thing I wanted for my birthday - to finish the treatment.
Then, July 2012 reared its ugly head and I received a phone call from my younger sister. She'd just been diagnosed with a rare form of ovarian cancer - one that was closely linked to bowel cancer.
A few years before my little speed bump, my uncle had passed away from bowel cancer, which had spread to his liver. This is what eventually took him.
Before that, my dad had been diagnosed with prostate cancer. He did really well and is with us still - healthy and living life.
A year after my sister was diagnosed, she finished her treatment. Her last tests came back all clear. She - like me - is on the carousel of tests, but hers are every 3 months, while mine are every six.
Last week, my mum rang me. She'd had a lump - benign - removed when she was much younger, but she was always very watchful and checked all the time. Just before Christmas - Merry Xmas - she found a lump and went in for a biopsy.
Just after the New Year - Happy f-ing New Year - her results have come back positive. A Grade 3, 2cm lump.
I'm trying to stay positive. I am positive, because I've put an age on my life and it is 86. I'm going to make it, but it's killing me that for some reason the universe keeps throwing these hurdles at us.
Why? What have we done in the past to warrant this?
She goes in for surgery on January 21, with results due back three weeks later. I'll be with her for the results - hers and mine - since I'll be getting my next mammogram done then.
She's a strong woman, my mum, and I'm hoping she stays that way.
I'm so sorry that your family are having all these troubles, I can understand you asking the question why? I'm sure you haven't done anything to warrant all this misery. Your whole family sound like very strong people, they must be, because your Dad and Sister are recovering and you have made it through your breast cancer. Life throws some crappy things our way, I lost my mother to BC when I was 15, my sister had a mestectomy 17 years ago and is still going strong to this day. I also lost 3 aunts and grandma to BC as well. As you said, stay positive, support your Mum and together you can throw a curveball back at the universe. I wish you, your Mum and your whole family all the best for the 21st Jan and beyond, sending you big hugs for this tough time,
Hazel xx
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I'm so sorry that your family are having all these troubles, I can understand you asking the question why? I'm sure you haven't done anything to warrant all this misery. Your whole family sound like very strong people, they must be, because your Dad and Sister are recovering and you have made it through your breast cancer. Life throws some crappy things our way, I lost my mother to BC when I was 15, my sister had a mestectomy 17 years ago and is still going strong to this day. I also lost 3 aunts and grandma to BC as well. As you said, stay positive, support your Mum and together you can throw a curveball back at the universe. I wish you, your Mum and your whole family all the best for the 21st Jan and beyond, sending you big hugs for this tough time,
Hazel xx