My First Post

Susy Member Posts: 17
edited January 2014 in General discussion

Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with DCIS in my right breast just before Christmas. It was a total shock (as i am sure it is to everyone)  i have no history of BC in my family. I have my girlfriend from work to thank as she "bullied" me into going for a mammogram in our lunch break - i had never given a thought to having one till i assumed i would be sent an invite when i hit 50. (I am 48) I will forever be grateful to her as i dread to think what would have happened in 2 years time. Anyway i have been to see a surgeon who has told me that i have to have a mastectomy and i would get the best reconstruction results from TRAM flap surgery. I have been left to decide whether to have a bilateral mastectomy - i have no calcifications in my left breast at the moment. I have an appointment to see the plastic surgeon on the 8th Jan, and then i assume i will have a date for surgery following that - i was told they wanted me to have the surgery before the end of Jan.


  • Susy
    Susy Member Posts: 17
    edited March 2015

    Hi Adean, Yes i will ever be indebted to my friend. I have ordered the journey kit off this site so hopefully will get it in the next few days. My husband will come with me to all my consultations - you're right - you need someone to concentrate on whats going on -  i tend to float off into "la-la land" (my escape mechanism).

    Thanks for well wishes. Sue.

  • adean
    adean Member Posts: 1,036
    edited March 2015
    You sound good , I'm 17months post my diagnosis and yes I remember la la land, everyone thought I was crazy as I was so calm, I think if your confident in your team and ask lots of questions and are a bit scared you will be fine. Adean x
  • Hazel M
    Hazel M Member Posts: 708
    edited March 2015

    That's a good friend you have there, early detection is the key. I wish you well in your decision making, and it's good you have someone to go with you to appointments, my partner picked up a lot of information that I didn't even hear. Welcome to this site, the ladies have a lot of invaluable information and advice, Hope all goes well for you, 

    Hazel xx

  • Tine66
    Tine66 Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2015

    Hi Susy,

    I've just hit the 3 month mark since my diagnosis (1st October to 'celebrate' Breast Cancer Awareness Month !! :-) ).  Lumpectomy followed by Radiation therapy - 7 more sessions and I'm done.

    I too have become a bit of a 'bully' in regards to getting others to get off their butts and get themselves checked.  The other thing I would perhaps suggest during any meetings with medical people is to use your smartphone (if you have one) and ask their permission to record the conversation.  That way nothing can be missed.

    I'm not sure if I'm allowed to mention other resources on this site, but the book I found invaluable was by John Boyages called 'Breast Cancer: Taking Control".  An internet search will find it for you.

    I wish you well on this journey you are now on, it is a roller-coaster (and I've always hated them!) but we live in a time when there are now so many more options available for treatment.

    Stay strong.


  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited March 2015
    Welcome to the online network.THE most amazing place as far as I am concerned:) I finished my chemo 2 weeks ago,but I definitely remember being where you are at the moment.I had a mastectomy,but decided against reconstruction.I definitely agree with the other ladies.Always take someone to appointments or write things down.As you get further along,there will be so many things to remember and questions to ask.The book that Tine66 mentioned,really is very good.Just take one day at a time,and come on here,any time that you need help or support.There is always someone here to give good advice.All the best. xoxox. Robyn
  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited March 2015
    Welcome to the online network.THE most amazing place as far as I am concerned:) I finished my chemo 2 weeks ago,but I definitely remember being where you are at the moment.I had a mastectomy,but decided against reconstruction.I definitely agree with the other ladies.Always take someone to appointments or write things down.As you get further along,there will be so many things to remember and questions to ask.The book that Tine66 mentioned,really is very good.Just take one day at a time,and come on here,any time that you need help or support.There is always someone here to give good advice.All the best. xoxox. Robyn
  • Karonjulie
    Karonjulie Member Posts: 72
    edited March 2015

    I am the same as you. Work offered mamogrammes in work time so thought I would go as everyone else was going.  I haveonly just turned 48 in December, so didn't see the urgency to go...but glad I did.  They found micro calcification in both my breasts and I had biospsy on both.  My left was benighn but I ended up with Invasivie Ductucal carcimina and DCIS in my right breast.   At this stage they are saying 20mm but won't know actual size until they go in.

    I have decided, thanks to this site, to have a double mastecomy with immediate diep reconstruction.   I am seeing surgeon again tomorrow to confirm my surgery date.  Looking at 16/1 or 20/1 at this stage.   They will be doing the Sentinal Node Biopsy either prior to the operation or on the same day. That also has to be confimed as the operation is going to be upto 14 hours.

    I had no hesitation in wanting both breasts off but its the surgeons who try and sway your decision.   I was disagonosed on the 24/11 and it is only this last week that I finally come to accept my decision as being the right decision and no one is going to change my mind now.    I don't want to watch and wait to see if the left breast develops into cancer.   

    Good luck:)



  • Susy
    Susy Member Posts: 17
    edited March 2015

    Hi Karon, I can't believe our stories are the same - i only have the DCIS in my right breast - it is 65mm. You are right about the surgeons not being keen to remove the left breast, i was under that impression as well.

    Some of the questions i have for the surgeon are about the pros and cons of TRAM flap surgery and DIEP surgery. I have read on the net that TRAM flap surgery is no longer used in the States because of risks of hernia or abdominal bulge. And DIEP surgery is the better option because they dont use your stomach muscles. Was this discussed wit you? They have only discussed TRAM Flap with me.

    I have to have the Sentinal Node Biopsy in the same op as well. 

    If you find out anymore information tomorrow that might be helpful - i would love to hear.

    Best Wishes,


  • Karonjulie
    Karonjulie Member Posts: 72
    edited March 2015

    Well this is what i know so far.    When I saw the breast surgeon and I told him I want both off he suggested in that case that I have immediate as he didn't think it wise to go home with no breasts as it will be a big shock.  So then went and saw Plastic Surgeon and I told her I wish to have diep reconstruction as my first option.

    I don't have enough stomach fat (which I couldn't believe) to match my current B cup. I said thats fine this is about having natural looking breasts not the size.  So looks like she will try for a A+/-B?

    Because I want bilateral she wasn't too happy with this , as its  a huge operaton she would need 2 teams to work on each side.  the Breast surgeon comes in and does the Sentinal Node Biopsy and removes both breasts (keeping my skin and hopefully nipples).  While he is doing that her and another off sider start opening up my stomach to see what my vessels look like.  If I was only getting one done and they had complications in not being able to get blood supply, they can usually pinch from the other side, but because I'm having both they won't have that option.  So therefore she may have to use some of the muscle if there is a problem.    I will have to sign a waiver which states if they need to use muscle they will do, thats okay if thats the path they have to go down.

    She classes the "diep" as the "rollsroyce of all restructions" so alot risker but better outcome than the implants or back strap otpion (can't remember what thats called).   

    Also I have been on blood pressure tables for the past 2 years.  She adivsed that people with hypertension their arteries tend to age quicker than those who don't have it.  So another reason why she might have to use muscle to get better blood flow.

    I was sent off then to have CT scan on the blood vessels.  One to see what they look like and apparently it also shows the mapping so they know where they are working.    I haven't spoken to her about this scan yet, so hoping it all looks good.

    So tomorrow after I have seen her and she gives me more info.  I wlll keep you up to date.    

    Have you been told if you need Chemo yet?   I get over one hurdle then I start dwelling on another.   The BC nurse said that despite what my results come back at I may still need to chemo due to my age?     Its funny because I class 48 as getting old but in the BC world we are referred to as being young...which I find entertaining.

    Talk you soon:)

  • Susy
    Susy Member Posts: 17
    edited March 2015

    Hi again, Thanks for all your info. The only surgeon i have seen told me i had enought stomach fat to reconstruct both my breasts (i knew that) my husband was surprised the surgeon didn't get a black eye :) I am waiting to see the PS on the 8th Jan so i will talk to her about the DIEP and free Tram Flap. I really don't want the TRAM Flap if they are going to use my 6 pack ( i don't have a 6 pack but maybe one day..............)

    That was another question i wanted to ask - about using the existing breast tissue - i was under the assumption that the breast is reconstucted through the nipple. I know i was told that they couldn't use the nipples because they are attached to the ducts.

    Chemo hasn't been mentioned to me at all - i suppose that would be considered if they find anything in my lymph nodes but they said they are not expecting to.

    Let us know how you get on tomorrow.


  • Karonjulie
    Karonjulie Member Posts: 72
    edited March 2015

    When I saw the Breast Care Nurse on Monday she was to show me photo's for diep reconstruction but she didn't actally have any that used their own nipples.  When she read the notes and the breast surgeon noted that he was going to use the suprised her.  She said that it is not very commonly done.   My understanding from the meeting with him that he was going to put them on ice if they were cleared of cancer and they would go on later but she no he stated that that they are staying as long as the sample they send of during the operation is cleared?

    The PS did mention that she would be performing the operation through the hole where my nipples would have been.  But when I told the BC nurse she said that, she said she won't be able to do that if the nipples are there.  So she will have to cut on either side of the nipples and half under the nipple to create a window to work in.  Also she said that when they complete the operaton for 48 hours they monitor the flap to make sure blood flow and you need a window for that.   

    I felt like the Plastic and Breast surgeon are on different pages at the moment.    I see the PS tomorrow and then I see the Breast surgeon on Tuesday to discuss what happened with the Plastic surgeon and then he does a plan up as well.  Apparently he works with the Plastic surgeon not the other way around, so whether that will still include the nipples I'm not sure.

    I'm lucky actually.  I'm going public through Royal Perth and both are meant to be excellent surgeons.  I know the Plastic Surgeon worked with the Bali bombing victims and is meant to be one of the best micro surgeons.  So I feel safe with whatever she decides to do.

    I think a lot of about what could happen...but I don't think it will hit home until I walk in to the hospital on the day of the operation.   I stress having a needle so god help me:)

  • Susy
    Susy Member Posts: 17
    edited March 2015

    Well you have given me more questions to ask - i am writing them all down.

    I am going public through Royal Perth as well - its very reassuring to know the calibre of the surgeons - i didn't know about the Bali victims. I have an appointment to see the Breast Gallery at RPH but not until the 15th Jan - I could have my surgery date by then.

    I am in a state of disbelief as well and know it won't hit me until i am on the trolley being wheeled into theatre - hopefully by then i will have been given lots of sedatives.


  • Karonjulie
    Karonjulie Member Posts: 72
    edited March 2015

    Wow what a small world...might even run into you at some stage in the Breast Clinic waiting room:)  Do you have same surgeons?  I have Cid_Fernandez for Breast and Anna Goodwin-Walters for PS.

  • Susy
    Susy Member Posts: 17
    edited March 2015

    Thanks Mona, I have just read that article. Very interesting, think i might take this with me to my next appointment.