Just wanted to say hi
Hi ladies, I thought I would introudce myself before our training. My name is Tracey Ryan Iam 50 years young, married with 2 children a daughter 27 and a son 16 and I have advanced breast cancer oh yeah I am also a comsumer liaision. I have been involved with BCNA (my family) for 4 years now. See you all soon xoxo
Hi any news for next lunch woth ladies ??? let me know Cheers
First blog
I was diagnosed with bc at the end of Feb being called back from a routine mammogram. It was grain of sand size they said and with my Mums history thought it best to do a core biopsy - horrible. I left in a state of shock and returned a few days later to hear they were shocked too as it was malignant. Then to surgeon who…
Hello All, I was diagnosed with stage 2/3 breast cancer last Tuesday. I live in the Dandenong Ranges and was looking for support, chat and social outlet would be fab. Cheers Sadna
I was diagnosed with early breast cancer (stage llB) on 25 March 2014. I had a lumpectomy and axillary clearance on 10 April. I have been travelling ok until Easter Sunday when I couldn't snap out of thinking all of the worst case scenarios. My poor partner copped the lot, the anger, the grief for the changes in my body,…
New member
Hi all you beautiful ladies! I am 34 with 2 kids 5 and 7 and also avert supportive husband. I was diagnosed with DCIS stage 3, her2 negative,hormone positive on 29/08/13. I had chemo then mastectomy with all lymph nodes removed, 4 out of 12 were positive. I then had 4 weeks of chemo again and just finished my 5 weeks of…
Hi all. Just a quick introduction. I was diagnosed at 28, had a lumpectomy, no clear margins so a mastectomy and reconstruction, that was 16 years ago. At the time of diagnosis I was a single parent with 3 small kids: 6, 4, & 18 months. I didn't have the support that is available to women and their families now. I am…
A new journey
I have just been diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma with a grade 2 tumor. Doctor said that it's very early stages as it is very tiny, cannot be felt and need to have a wire inserted into the area to remove the tumor. Seeing the specialist tomorrow to organise surgery. Have had a horrible 2 weeks of tests, biospy and…
It's been a while
Hi all, It's been a while since my last post & once again my world has shifted due to this horrendous disease. My journey is to take a new path. After a short lived celebration - your doing well, come back in three months time, the disease has dropped off in my body again. Previously on Janine's cancer journey - breast…
Hi to everyone. Big Thanks to Mich for getting me on here. I am recovering from a bi-lateral maestectomy using the tram flap as reconstruction. The operation was on 10/02/2014. Unfortunately my right breast failed and i had to go back into hospital last Friday to have it removed. Looking forward to joining the Perth ladies…
Hi all
Hi all, My name is Narelle and I was diagnosed on 21/3/2014. I have a 9 yr old stepson, 6 yr old daughter & 7 month old son. I am 36 yrs old. I will be going for surgery next week. mmm...not sure what else to add except that I live in the Frankston area in Victoria. Thanks for letting me join this group.
Hello everyone:)
Just catching up..haven't been on in a while...hoping you are all going well in your journeys...it been 4 weeks since my Radiation & I am pleased to say I have healed up well & I am still using the good old Moo Goo & wash love it :) so thanks ladies for the tips.... I went into hospital Tuesday for my hystercropy I was…
Hi Ladies, this is new to me and would be happy to chat to other ladies who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Kind regards cgh
Hi everyone
Hi to you all. Xxx I hope your all well. I'm sorry I haven't been here but I forgot my password then my iPad wouldnt let me in. I nearly gave up. We moved just before Christmas and I didn't see the point in setting up my desk top pc but glad I did because here I am! :-) Anyway, im doing well. I finished my FEC on 27th…
Hello all the new people
I keep watch to see how the numbers are slowly growing and recall there were 17 when I first began here. I cant express enough how important it has been for me to reach out and meet people going through the same things, face to face. I love the Northern Cancer Support Centre, the staff and the warm environment that gives…