Hi everyone - I was diagnosed way back in July 2014 - 2 ops later and 5 weeks of daily radiation therapy since then. Still have lots of numbness in top of the arm area and down side of breast - I wonder how long this will last. Now on hormone therapy - advised that my prognosis is excellent for which i am extremely…
Introducing myself
I need to introduce myself tho I feel a bit shy. I have been in treatment for cancer for ages, and am just back learning new things I would rather not have to learn which is very stressful. I was on the HER2 site for a time and like their discussions and sharing links to new research, trials, stats. (Good prep for my Onc…
Young women group
Inviting all women diagnosed with breast cancer for online support and chats. I am from sydney was diagnosed in oct 2014 and had lumpectomy and now having AC followed by Taxol etc. Anyone having similar treatments? would love to hear. I feel so lonely, lost and confused and sometimes feel like quiting the chemo. Please…
My Story
Hi, everyone just introducing myself. I have created this group for the benefit of women in the western Sydney area. I have advanced breast cancer and have mets down my spine, ribs, hip even one in my right toe and one on the top of my head. My ribs are painful sometimes when I take a deep breath in or lie on something…
New to blogging
Hi everyone, this is my first time blogging so hopefully I do it right! I had a left mascetomy in Sept 2014 with 20 lymph nodes affected. I am currently halfway through chemo with radiation to follow. I have learnt more than I ever wanted to over the last six months but I assume that's how we all feel. I feel well most of…
My Story
Hey Ladies I had an eptopic pregnancy in Aug12 that ruptured and I lost 1 Fallopian tube.. My fiancée I were try to conceive when I was diagnosed with BC in April13. My BC was ER/PR- n Her2+ but the they found another small tumor in my other Breast which was ER/PR+ My Onc said delaying Chemo a month or 2 would chance…
Welcome new members
Hi those of you who have recently joined this group. You will find information on some of our experiences within the blogs here. As you will find, the conversations seem to travel from subject to subject within each blog. I hope you find some of the information here helpful and I would encourage you to share your own…
Hello all, Well here I am two weeks post diagnosis. I am still very shocked, everything is quite surreal. After consultation with a surgeon, I'm all booked in to have a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy next week I am now feeling a bit unsure as to whether this is the right choice. My first instinct is to want a…
first blog
Ok. So now I have 2 contacts so it's time to start a blog. "Therapeutic" I said to Sarah. And I'm sure it will be as soon as I get up the energy. Have been on fb for 3 hours and for the first time in weeks (side effects, hospital, death in the family, over fb, etc.) and even working out why this is called a post when it's…
First time blogging
Hi all This is my first time blogging. I was diagnosed on 20 September and have had a lumpectomy. I'm two rounds down for A chemo and have 2 more to go and 12 of Taxol. I'm working 2 days per week and want to keep healthy, relatively fit and either stabilize weight or lose some for rest of treatment. I currently try to…
Hi everyone! Thanks to Daina for facilitating. I was diagnosed late June last year at age 44, had a mastectomy and removal of 12 lymph nodes. Finished chemo Christmas Eve and radiation in February. Had my ovaries out in March due to several reasons and have started taking Femara (oh joy). I am looking forward to getting…
Hi everyone, I just want to introduce myself. My name is Laura. In April 2012 I was diagnosed with invasive ducal carcinoma and had treatment of AC for 12 weeks, radiotherapy and then Tamoxifen. I came off the Tamoxifen after 5 weeks as could not tolerate it and then argued with my doctor that I didn't need to be on it as…
4 years on
Last night I had a dream that I wore a sheer top and forgot to wear a bra or anything under it. My sister politely pointed this out to me and when I looked down I could see the dark circle of my nipple was showing through the top. Then after a moment I thought "what about the other side" and then when I looked down again…
Young Families with Breast Cancer
Hi All, I am in the process of establishing a new support group in the Frankston area called "Young Families with Breast Cancer". At the moment I have established the Facebook group which is running nicely with people joining from all around Melbourne and Australia. I am also trying to establish face-to-face support group…
What does it really take to make a successful, lasting, enduring change?
This article is all about how to change your habits - it is an interesting and down-to-earth read. http://www.wellbeing.com.au/article/Features/Mind-Health/How-to-change-your-habits_1491