No commercial or promotional activity
Hello. This is a public service announcement from your friendly Community Manager. The BCNA online network is a place for connecting with others, sharing, learning, and finding support. It should not be used for the sale of goods and services or the promotion of commercial products. We have one main feed and we do not want…
Hello to our new members.
I just wanted to say a big hello and welcome to all our new members that have recently joined the group. If you have any questions or are looking for some advice just ask. There are a number of members in this group that are either in a similar situation or have been in your shoes xx
No commercial or promotional activity
Hello. This is a public service announcement from your friendly Community Manager. The BCNA online network is a place for connecting with others, learning, sharing, and finding support. It should not be used for the sale of goods and services or the promotion of commercial products. We have one main feed and we do not want…
Profile: My Posts, My Groups, My Contacts
A common complaint around here is that it's hard to find your previous posts. From your profile, you can find your posts (blogs) and a list of groups, but not posts to groups or any comments. I'd like to get a better understanding of how you use this feature. Do you go here to find your posts (blogs)? To find your groups?…
Hi ladies, I just wanted to welcome all the new members to the group. If you have any questions just ask away. I hope you all have a great weekend. ~Ann-Marie x
How to manage your notifications
Every day, you get an email that looks like this: Want to turn it off? Here's how. Go up top to your name and select Settings from the drop-down menu. This will take you to your Settings page. Scroll all the way down to Email notifications. Uncheck the box next to "I wish to receive notifications to my private email…
Cosmetic changes to the landing page
Hi everyone. I know that the website has some bugs that prevent it from running as smoothly as we'd like. We're working on this. I also think there are some cosmetic features that make the site confusing and I think we may be to resolve some of those fairly quickly. I'd like to get your thoughts on these. Let's take a…
Welcome to the Community Feedback Group
Hi everyone. Welcome to the Community Feedback Group. We invited you to join this group because you're among our top contributors. We know you care about this community and we value your input. We want to continue making the Online Network great and we want you to be part of that process. We'll have more specific…
Newbie finding her feet
Hi guys, I'm really trying to navigate my way round here. Anyhow, I'm new (lol) I was diagnosed on Friday 8th with breast cancer (biopsy was not definitive as to type etc) just used the words invasive carcinoma. So Feb 4th I am having a wide excision ? and the sentinel nodes removed and then radiation after that unless the…
POSSIBLE NEW GROUP – “50+ and single again”
Good afternoon ladies Are you looking for a group on this website which enables ladies who are going through a relationship breakdown (or have come through at the other end) to connect with and help each other ? I was talking to a friend the other day who was telling me about several ladies she has met who have had BC and…
Hi everyone! I'm new to the BCNA community so I thought I'd introduce myself. I've joined the BCNA team as Online Community Manager. I'll be working closely alongside Ann-Marie to continue making this community as great as possible for you. We're very dedicated to making sure this community is a safe and supportive space…
Hello and welcome to our new members
Hi Ladies, I want to give a warm welcome to the new members of the group. Bernadette Danielle Em Ezsorro Jenny Jill Kezzad Kirst Peachandkiwi Hollie Sash Erin Emma Dianne & Angela This is a great group to build those relationships with ladies who are in the same shoes as you. Ask as many questions as you need and If you…
We want to hear from you!
Hi Ladies, You may have already read this in the main blog but if you missed it BCNA is keen to understand how you would prefer to receive breast cancer information and whether we should expand our online offerings to include webinars, videos and podcasts. Completing this survey should only take 10 to 15 minutes and is…
Hello All!!!!
Hi everyone, first timer here, yes didn't think it would happen to me but it did. Diagnosed on 28/10/15 with 3 cm tumor and one of my lymph nodes has cancer (out of 13) My diagnosis was Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Stage 2-B, Grade 1, ER+ PR+ Her2-. Had a lumpoctomy on 29/10/15 and now ready for Chemo of AC and T. My…
Welcome to our new members
Hello lovely ladies, I wanted to send a big welcome to our new members of the group. - huddo79 - sunnyness77 - mandermartini Ladies it would be lovely if you could introduce yourself to the group as I am sure we have a number of members in similar situations who would love to connect with you. ~Ann-Marie x