New to this
I am booked for surgery on 31st for a lumpectomy + and have had calls from my two sisters who are nurses telling me I should be having a mastectomy instead. My surgeon went over everything carefully with me and told me all the pros and cons and I decided to go with the lumpectomy. She then said after I had considered all…
Hello Ladies!! A few days ago I posted on here about my feelings on the 'featured posts' on the blog,from admin,and how I thought that they weren't being taken down often enough.A bit of a heated discussion followed,and surprise,surprise,my post was deleted!!!I am feeling so angry,and very disappointed.When I first joined…
Featured Posts from Yesterday
Hi Everyone. I am new to posting although have been a reader for some months. I have found this forum to be helpful, interesting and sometimes downright scary and on a few (very few occasions) frustrated at trivial messages. I am living with secondary breast cancer (diagnosed in Jan this year in my spine from c1 to l1,…
Introduce yourself 2
The original thread died under its own weight so here's a new one :-) Whether you're a new member or an old member, I'd like to get to you know a little better. If you've been here a while, we may know a bit about your diagnosis and your journey, but you are much more than your beast cancer. So, tell us a little about…
Featured posts
Hello ladies!!!! At the risk of becoming unpopular,I would like to suggest that featured posts are mainly posts from ladies with BC. Three years ago when I first joined the online network,each couple of days,2 or 3 posts were chosen by the admininstrators to be featured.It was a big deal to have your post featured,and I'm…
Introduce yourself!
Whether you're a new member or an old member, I'd like to get to you know a little better. If you've been here a while, we may know a bit about your diagnosis and your journey, but you are much more than your beast cancer. So, tell us a little about yourself. Do you have kids, grandkids? What do you like to do? What's your…
overdue intro :)
*I have posted this in the introduce yourself post but thought I'd make it my first blog post so copying it here* Hi, my name is Karen, I'm a 44 yr old mum of 2 kids 14 & 9 and after nearly 18 years together my man and I are engaged to be married this year, just waiting on confirmation of venue for the date. My life…
Trying so hard to simply put in Profile
Hi, Have now filled in my profile (with photo) 5 times, and it will not submit, am at a loss, and soo frustrated, as I would really appreciate the support from this group of women. Narsan.
Welcome new members
A warm welcome to our newest members Tulips and Sophollie. If you have any questions about how to use the Online Network, this is the place. Otherwise, please dive in - have a look around, join a group if you like, and let us know how we can help.
Oodle Arlie .. Golly! What a Day!'
https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/vnVuqfXohxc?rel=0&%3bshowinfo=0 Hi! I thought I would share this with you "Android: Friends Furever" - it was sent to me to cheer me up and I hope it has the same effect for those of you that hit the button and watch it. Waiting, waiting, waiting.................lots of tests at…
Where in the world is Ann-Marie?
I'm very excited to let you know that I'm heading on an European adventure, tomorrow! We have a wonderful team here at BCNA to help out whilst I'm away. Please welcome Pip and Angela. Pip has come on board at BCNA in the community programs team and Angela is one of our amazing volunteers. If you need any help with anything…
Just saying Hi
Hi all, Well Easter is over, enjoyed two lunches with two different groups of friends.So funny, 1 group talked all about my bc, the other group it was the elephant in the room, and not mentioned.I guess some people just don't know what to say! I am rounding out Monday night with some trashy " real housewives of somewhere "…
Annoyed with lack of services and advice for young women
I don't know if anyone wants to take me up on this but since being diagnosed last year with breast cancer and being classified as "young" due to me being under 50, I am getting increasingly annoyed with the lack of services and advice for young women. This is despite there being a number of reports recently being released…
New to group
Hello everyone, I am new to this group so thought I would introduce myself. My name is Caitlin, I am 29 years old & I was diagnosed with triple positive (Oestrogen, Progesterone & HER2 positive) breast cancer in August 2015 after finding a lump in my right breast (25mm, stage 2 grade 3). Luckily it had not spread anywhere…
How do you look for information?
Hi ladies. How do you search for information in the online network? Do you use the search feature? Do you click on tags or in the Topic Index? Or maybe you don't search at all and just post about what you want to know?