
Hello Ladies!! A few days ago I posted on here about my feelings on the 'featured posts' on the blog,from admin,and how I thought that they weren't being taken down often enough.A bit of a heated discussion followed,and surprise,surprise,my post was deleted!!!I am feeling so angry,and very disappointed.When I first joined this blog 3 years ago,there was an admin lady called Daina.She was lovely,and she knew her place on this blog:) Occasionally she would post a lovely pic of something,but not ALL THE TIME!!!! She didn't need to ' get to know us'!! When you have breast cancer,you are emotionally spent!! You want to chat with ladies tha are the SAME as you are.Not with someone in admin!! No one cares if you are married,or if you have 2 dogs or 10 damm dogs!!!!! The only thing that matters is that you have BREAST CANCER!!!!! If someone in admin thinks that their post was important because it got 'over 40 comments' ,then they shouldn't be on this blog.The comments should be left to ladies with BREAST CANCER!!! We support each other well on here,and it has always worked well.How dare you delete my post because I didn't agree with you!!! If only you knew what we ladies think,but you don't,because you think that you can run this blog!!!I won't be posting on here any more.I feel very sad,as it has become part of my life,and I know that many times I have helped other ladies.How do I know? Because they have private messaged me! Never mind,you obviously think that you can do better Cossette.Well you won't have to worry about me any more.I have a life apart from the blog,and that is where I will put my energy from now on.Cheers to all you lovely ladies!!! Let's keep in touch:) Robynxox
Robyn, Please don't leave. Us "newbies" need you. We need people who have been there and can relate to us. I'm sure something can be worked to. All the best whatever you decide. Helen
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Hi Robyn. Your post was not deleted because of your comments or because you disagreed with us. It was deleted because it quickly moved from constructive criticism to inappropriate comments and personal attacks. This is a moderated community and we expect members to follow the network posting guidelines. If you would like to talk more about it, please feel free to send me a private message or give us a call.
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Thank you but no thankyou ! How can we complain about something that someone is doing if we don't use their name? Things like this never change,because the people that make the final decisions are not a real part of the blog.We don't tell admin how to run things and we shouldn't be told how to do things either.Cheers.Robyn
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Oh...I noted that they listened and seem to have featured blogs now like you were talking about. I am sorry it was deleted. I feel your post was respectful and therefore should not be removed.
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Robyn has been a source of real support for many, many women on this site for years. It would be too sad if she was driven to leave the site by misunderstandings or egos in admin.
Women with breast cancer share a special bond with each other that even their families cannot fully share. They really don't need or want to be introduced to staff, no matter how well-meaning or well-intentioned.
Lynne Swinburne started this site to enable them to communicate directly with each other on a one to one basis. It has worked unbelievably well and the support it provides defies description. It changes lives.
We honestly don't need statistics or comperes and never have done in the past. Please admin, just keep the wheels oiled and this wonderful site going from behind the scenes. We do appreciate you and your efforts!
But we can't afford to lose wonderful pink sisters like Robyn.
xx Michelle
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Hi Robyn
You were one of the first women to reach out to me when I was first diagnosed. I can't tell you just how much your kind words of support and encouragement were to me. Thank you so much. Your positive attitude really made me feel that I could get through treatment at a time when I was so scared and anxious and full of self doubt. From reading the above I feel that you are so hurt, and I wish I could take that hurt away for you. You have so much to give and we really need you but I understand how you are feeling. I understand your disappointment but I really hope that after a little while maybe you will find your way back to us so we can continue to support one another.
Thank you for everything. I really hope you continue on this forum or if that is not possible we will see you again in the future.
Sending hugs
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Well said, Michelle. We do appreciate that staff are putting in their best effort to help the site run smoothly but I hope that they can listen to what is being said here.
I can see that already changes have been made to the Featured Posts but respect needs to be given to people like Robyn who have given so much support to others over the years. We may not be trained in IT or counseling skills but we know what it is like to have your world tipped upside down by bc.
Deanne xxx
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I did notice at one stage I had to scroll down through several admin featured posts to get to the actual forum posted ones and it was like that for a few days. Thanks for bringing it to admins attention as it was a little annoying when it stayed for too long. There is no need to get aggressive and fight with admin on here though. Save the fight for the cancer treatments. We all have our ups and downs. Actually there seems to be more down that up at times and we need this forum to get our downs turned into ups by fellow forum members. Robyn, perhaps deleting the entire thread was an easier edit than just removing one heated post? I am not up on the way this site is set up, but it could have just been something like that and try not to take it to heart too much.
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Good morning everyone I actually missed the post that has been deleted. This site is for everyone, if I see things I don't like I scroll down and ignore. We all need to respect each other, this site has helped me to express my feelings and get support from people who I have never met but understand.
Thank you Robyn you were one of the first people who connected with me when I first joined, I believe we all have the right to express how we feel.
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The "We" you refer to are actually made up of disparate people (and not only women) who have a very wide range of views, so perhaps it is not appropriate for any one person to speak for the whole group. It is understandable that because the website is owned and run by BCNA, it therefore needs to be monitored by "admin", and may at times need fine tuning or even input. Nothing stays the same, and the blog is no exception.
As for knowing our place on this blog, I assume I have the same place as everyone else: a guest of BCNA.
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I have only been part of this community since late March, so this is the only format I with which I am familiar. I don't know if it is better or worse than it was in the past, but I have always believed that the site was here for the voices of all the BC community. For us to share our experiences, feelings and fears and to offer support and friendship to others.
To have a post deleted because of some arbitrary decision from admin leading to someone who both needs and offers support abandoning the site, seems so unfair.
I am so sorry you feel this way Robyn. Perhaps you aren't even logging in anymore, so won't see the comments from those who support you, but in case you are out there, we are sad to see you go and hope you reconsider.