First Post
Hi All, This is my first post I have just finished my treatment! Was diagnosed March 2015, Lumpectomy in April, Chemo started in May 4 rounds then 4 weeks off before 30 sessions Radiotherapy, 5 days for 6 weeks. Have come through O.K. onwards and upwards looking forward to the New Year. YEAH!!! Love this network have been…
Hi I'm Kat I'm new here I got diagnosed with breast cancer April this year although I've got lots n lots of family n friends support traveling this unknown journey can be mind boggling. I'm in my second cycle treatment 6 of 12 of Taxol. I feel greatful everyday that I'm going well with my treatments with few side…
Let's get connected
Welcome to Wednesday's "get connected" post. Firstly a big welcome to Chris s our newest member to the group :) Today I wanted to share with you all a section on our website where you can read or download booklets and information fact sheets. There are various topics from clinical trials to healthy eating to choose from…
A little welcome!
I just wanted to give a little shout-out to Keryn. Welcome to the "Getting Started" group. ~ Ann-Marie x
Saying Hi
Hi there just popping in to say hi! So hi! Have just been diagnosed with early stage breast cancer. It's all new and very surreal! Wanted to connect early, knowing there is some great supports in here! Anyway will pop,back in soon! Oh and fo Broncos! cheers lisa
A little welcome!
Hi everyone, I wanted to welcome these members to the "Getting Started" group. Anne W Brenda5 DebP Mum2jj Pink66 Cathb We have some new members to the Online Network here and you may see some familiar members in this list as well. If you have any questions please ask away, as we have a wealth of knowledge here. ~Ann-Marie x
Member Intro
Hi Everyone i had a bilateral mastectomy about 1 1/2 years ago now so am fairly far down the track now , and it has been about a year since my last surgery , I had a bilateral mastectomy and implants used for reconstruction , I am now ready to look at getting my nipples tattooed. In my research I have found a couple of…
Get Connected
Hi everyone, This is our Wednesday "Get Connected" post. A chance to say hello, ask questions or provide support. In the comments field at the bottom of the post you can introduce yourself. If you are needing help navigating the Online Network please let me know. ~Ann-Marie
Posting things online... Where and What the?????
I received some messages and have come across some comments that posts are not ending up where you think they are and also that when writing they are disappearing.. I have been meaning to write this post for a little while now.. (but turtles can be a little slow!!) So as a good turtle I will share my secrets with you and I…
A big hello
Hi all, My name is Ann-Marie and I am part of the BCNA online team. I have officially been here for over a month now, so not a newbie any more. I am excited to be part of a great team including all of you, in supporting the online community. On Friday's I have been writing a blog post to give a little snap shot of that…
New to this
I recently discovered a lump and within 10 days had surgery to remove, yesterday I went back to the surgeon and was resigned to the fact that I may need radio therapy I am now told that it was a moderate grade 3 cancer so I need to do Chemo as well. My appointment is not for another 8 days and I am on such a roller coaster…
Introduce yourself
You have all joined this online group with a common purpose and that's to connect with other men who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. You might want to share your story or you might simply be seeking information and support....or you might be here doing both. Either way - Welcome! If you wish to share your story…
Introducing ourselves
My name is Janey and I am starting up this group for Ladies who may find it difficult to get to other Melbourne groups but who can travel into the City. I live north of Melbourne out past Whittlesea but I travel into the city area for treatment and appointments at Peter Mac Cancer Hospital in East Melbourne. A bit about my…
Message notification working :)
Hi All, Was very excited to see that my messages are now showing up a message when I comment on someone else's post and they either reply to my comment or someone else comments on the post. This for me personally is great. I no longer have to scroll through posts and check back on which ones I have posted in. Thanks for…
Thank you
Hi Daina and everyone at BCNA Many thanks for all hard work you put into running the workshops at the Summit. It was very much appreciated. It was great to meet everyone and start putting names to faces. I look forward to being more involved in the online community. from Jane