Posting things online... Where and What the?????

Pink66 Dragonfly Posts: 366
edited October 2015 in General discussion

I received some messages and have come across some comments that posts are not ending up where you think they are and also that when writing they are disappearing..  I have been meaning to write this post for a little while now.. (but turtles can be a little slow!!)

So as a good turtle I will share my secrets with you and I hope this helps..

Posting to the Community v Posting to a particular group

When you choose the pink post button, all groups you are a member of and your personal blog will come up.  Depending where you would like this to be you choose the name from the drop down.. 

If you choose 'My blog' this will post to the entire online community.

If you choose a group you are a member of then the post will only be seen by the members of that particular group.

Where did my post go that I was writing?

I have been a 'victim' of spending time writing a post and then it is just gone..  I have no idea where it has gone and then need to write it again.  This forum does not accommodate writing a post and leaving and coming back..  it will just be 'gone'.    Sometimes, I write a post and I think about it for a while and it may take a day or so to get my thoughts onto the computer.. So I have come up with a plan and so far it seems to be working.

I write a post in word or in an email to myself.  This way it is saved for as long as I want to fiddle about with it and I cannot lose it..  Who knew!!  Once it is finished I then just cut and paste it into a post and check the formatting and then send it into cyberspace..  Since starting this, my stress levels are much better!!

I am hoping this is helpful as a fun experience is sooooo much nicer than one where you want to scream at the computer and drop it out the window.

Cheers, Sharon (pink66)




  • Catscrapcats
    Catscrapcats Member Posts: 86
    edited September 2015

    Hi Sharon, what a great idea. I have done a similar thing after writing a long blog and hit the wrong button and whamo it's gone. 

    Thanks Maria

  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,322
    edited September 2015

    Brilliant advise. This will be a big help to newbies trying to post to certain groups. 

    Paula :)