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Hi Everyone
i had a bilateral mastectomy about 1 1/2 years ago now so am fairly far down the track now , and it has been about a year since my last surgery , I had a bilateral mastectomy and implants used for reconstruction , I am now ready to look at getting my nipples tattooed. In my research I have found a couple of tattooist doing 3 D nipples for women , one is in USA who travelled to Australia last year and tattooed a group of women , and one is in Canberra , who's I have only read about . Is there anyone out there that knows or has had this or any other tatooing that they are really happy with ? For some weird reason I am a bit nervous about it , Goodness knows why when you go through the loss of your breasts why you would be a bit paranoid about the tattoo !!
Anyfeed back would be great , I live in Perth
cheers Trudi
Hi Trudi I had my nipple tattoed this year. Having the tattoo is nothing compared to everything else. I didn't feel it at all more the sensation of pressure. I had mine done at a cosmetic tattoist school so there was no charge. Are you a member of reconsrtuction group I did post some pictures. I'm happy with mine but my husband made the comment yesterday that it is a different colour to my other one.Talk about being picky.I'm from Melbourne
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Just a bit of trivia I also had my eyebrows done, because after chemo they didn't grow back
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Hi rowdy
thanks for that , I did try to check the photos on line and what I saw I thought they really finished the recon 's off fabulously
and looked great ,
cheers trudi