No commercial or promotional activity

Hello. This is a public service announcement from your friendly Community Manager.
The BCNA online network is a place for connecting with others, sharing, learning, and finding support. It should not be used for the sale of goods and services or the promotion of commercial products. We have one main feed and we do not want to see it filled with ads.
If someone advertises a product or service they have a financial or other interest in, these posts will be removed. Repeated offenses may result in temporary or permanent suspension from the online network. If you see someone trying to sell something tell us using the Report function.
If you have a product or service you’d like to list with us, please use the service directory.
If you’re facilitating face-to-face meetings, please be sure to post about meetings in your group.
For more information, please see the network posting guidelines. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask below or send Ann-Marie or I a private message.
Thank you. We now return to your regular scheduled programming.