Cosmetic changes to the landing page

Hi everyone. I know that the website has some bugs that prevent it from running as smoothly as we'd like. We're working on this. I also think there are some cosmetic features that make the site confusing and I think we may be to resolve some of those fairly quickly. I'd like to get your thoughts on these. Let's take a look.
1. Right now, there are two profile buttons. Do you use both of these? Do you use one more than another? Do you like having both or would you be fine with just one? If there was just one, where would you prefer it be located?
2. The big banner in the middle. Do you like it? Do you find it useful? How would you feel if we eliminated this altogether and got right to the posts?
3. Do you use these social sharing buttons?
Hi there , I never use the social button . The picture of ourselves in 2 locations gives you access to different things, put one pic but all the access on that . the big banner in the middle doesn't worry me at all really don't observe it. Ive done a survey in my group it was like pulling teeth for them to look at the blog page but I made them, mind you not 1 single lady that I have contact in the group uses the network I contact them via facebook but a few said they preffered when the live feed ran at the bottom of the page . Also If I have a new member join the group I only know if you guys send me notification in my messages which means I must check everyday, before I would get an email. regards adean
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Hi there
i only ever use the my profile button on the right. I have never used the big banner at all. Nor have I ever used the social sharing buttons. I guess I'm just anti social haha.
Seriously though, I'd be more than happy to go straight to posts and I think that might help newby's.
Regards, Karen
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Hi Cosette
Whenever I log into the network this is what I am faced with
Health Care Professional Dashboard Home Health Care Professional Dashboard Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus consequat placerat pharetra. Maecenas et est elementum, luctus justo quis, rhoncus lectus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus non felis lectus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec vulputate metus ipsum, nec gravida magna varius vel. Quisque ut dictum metus. Mauris ut felis imperdiet, pretium massa et, consectetur nulla. In tempus eu ex non sagittis. Phasellus sed aliquam nunc. Quisque diam lectus, maximus et purus vel, elementum aliquam sapien. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus gravida ac est eget feugiat. Morbi hendrerit erat eros, et dictum nulla sodales sed. Pellentesque mattis, eros nec convallis tincidunt, lectus leo porta lacus, nec ullamcorper libero nunc et mi. Etiam nec nisi at sapien lacinia condimentum. Aliquam iaculis vel neque ut egestas. Nullam pellentesque, odio ut iaculis consequat, ex ligula molestie nunc, eget semper velit lectus vitae sapien. Duis mi massa, tincidunt non lorem feugiat, tristique finibus dolor. Suspendisse lorem risus, maximus in massa ac, commodo iaculis sapien. Donec vel odio tristique dolor aliquam semper quis sit amet diam. - See more at:
I then have to go via my messages to get to posts - I am using Microsoft edge
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Hi Cosette in response to your questions
1. Profile buttons - I use both and either or for me.
2. Banner in the middle - I only see that before I log in and then I don't see that banner again. As noted in an earlier post I get sent to a different area of the site, Health professionals dashboard with the latin ? version of the content appearing.
3. Social sharing buttons - no I personally don't need them.
You're doing a great job, keep up the good work
Kind Regards
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O.o I'm going to send you a private message. I'd like to get more info about that.
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Hi Cosette,
I usually head for the button at the top but anywhere would be fine and one button with all the choices would be awesome.
Banner in the middle, have only used it sparingly (though am usually signed in and miss that page most times) perhaps it is handy for new visitors???
share button.. LOL never thought of it.. always just copy the link and take it where i need it to be.. (to be fair, I dont social share much - only from my blog which is now automated so I dont have to think about it much)0 -
Hi Cosette,
I agree with Adean, amalgamate everything (messages / feed / profile etc) under the one picture (not sure why there's two). I currently mainly use the top one, but only because it has the log out feature so I can switch to facilitator mode and back to my personal profile.
The banner looks lovely but is not terribly useful and possibly takes up space that could be used to feature more posts. Like the other ladies I don't use the social buttons (in fact I'd forgotten they were there :-)) I am assuming that no-one can share any of the private group stuff to Facebook / Twitter? Also, not sure about the purpose these functions serve for this particular site.
It was good to see the Live Feed reinstated and I look at this each time I log in.
Am wondering whether there is a need to have something like Popular Topics featured near the groups that take people to previous posts on some of the most discussed issues?
Hope this helps! Jane
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Yes, all very helpful, Jane; thanks :-)
The content from private groups can't be seen by members outside the group so the social share buttons are useless there. They appear because it's a consistent feature across of every page of the website. Like you and others, I don't think we need them everywhere, especially in light of the sensitive and deeply personal nature of the community.
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Hi its adean again. I cannot check messages at all from an I pad the minute I click on the message it takes me to a completely different page, this is very frustrating as If I do go away Im unable to check messages unless I go on a desktop.. thanks your doing a great job did you ever think about a brainstorming day at head office for those guys that live in Melbourne, It would be good to throw things around face to face.? adean xx
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Hi pink 66 hope your going ok. xx
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Hi adean. Sorry to hear you're having trouble posting from the iPad. We know the site is not as mobile friendly as we would like. It's high on our list.
And I think it would be great to have some local ladies come down to our office! Ann-Marie and I will definitely work on something soon.
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Hi Adean,
I am happy to give you a call to see if we can resolve the issue? I have just jumped onto my ipad and I'm not experiencing that problem.
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Hi ann marie I will buzz the office on Monday thanks.