
Thanks to Daina for facilitating.
I was diagnosed late June last year at age 44, had a mastectomy and removal of 12 lymph nodes. Finished chemo Christmas Eve and radiation in February. Had my ovaries out in March due to several reasons and have started taking Femara (oh joy).
I am looking forward to getting back to some kind of normal! Well the hair is back, but the fat hasn't left me sadly and I'm fighting to get my fitness back. I was talking to a fellow survivor who said her doctor told her she would start to feel normal about 4 to 6 months after surgery. As we all know that is a joke! She said for her it was more like 3 to 4 years!
I am going to join Dragons Abreast here in Brisbane soon to get active and meet other survivors. I am really looking forward to the challenge.
I am going to the forum this month in Brisbane and am looking forward to it, as it is my first event.
Take care
I am glad you joined the group and I hope that you can connect with others going through the same as you and you get the support you need online and by attending the Forum in May :-)
Just shout if you need a hand finding your way around.
Daina0 -
Oh and I think joining in with dragon boating will really help you to move into the next phase e.g. as you said the 'new normal' - and If you are into water sports there is also a program called Encore!
Have a look at our online Local services Directory and put in your postcode - you might find some services around you -- http://www.bcna.org.au/ldirectory/listing
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Hi Tracey
I've been on Femara as well since 28 March, 2 days after they took my ovaries out. Yes my joints are sore too! Especially my hands and feet. It's hard to say if it's swelling or the actual joints or a combination of both. I am generally stiff everywhere else but put that down to inactivity over the last 9 months. I find it is worst first thing in the morning and at night. I will discuss it with my doctor when I see her next week.
I was expecting bad menopause symptoms as my ovaries are gone, but aside from some rather mild (by my reckoning) hot flushes I haven't noticed anything else major. My husband may think I have mood swings but I think he's imagining things!
It is good having hair back again and not having to wear a scarf or cap. Mine is thickly covering all my scalp and I just look like I've got a really short hair do with no fringe. Though my hair has come back brunette and I was previously blonde, though getting darker over the years. I feel like I see a different woman in the mirror!
Are you having radiation?
Here's to you feeling great soon!
Cheers Helen
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Thanks Helen, they are exactly my symptoms the stiffness of the joints in the morning and night especially hands and feet, hot flushes, head aches, dry skin, tierdness.
No radiation, I had breast cancer 14 years ago and had radiation then, this time mastectomy and chemo/Herceptin
I live on the south side of Brisbane and thinking of trying Dragon boating. Let me know how you go with it!
Nice to chat
Tracey0 -
Thanks Helen, they are exactly my symptoms the stiffness of the joints in the morning and night especially hands and feet, hot flushes, head aches, dry skin, tierdness.
No radiation, I had breast cancer 14 years ago and had radiation then, this time mastectomy and chemo/Herceptin
I live on the south side of Brisbane and thinking of trying Dragon boating. Let me know how you go with it!
Nice to chat
Tracey0 -
I have just returned from a Breast Cancer Specialist, as a Radiographer found a Palapable Abnormality pea size lump that was not detected on ultrasound or by a mammogram, I am very upset as the lump has obviously been sitting there but I did not feel it as I was not checking why I am upset is the BCS did the needle aspiration by having the pea size hard lump between his two fingers, He then replied to me it is nothing dont worry about it, how can he know its nothing before he gets the Pathology results back, he is not god. I had ovarian cancer 19 years ago. Can someone please advise me on how does a BCS state such a comment plus he said he is always 95% correct even without knowing the results from the pathology which he will gain tomorrow. I have an instinct and really do not feel right about the BCS comments and or mannerism. Please someone reply urgently for me thank you
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Hi everybody
I've only been diagnosed this week and my lumpectomy is scheduled for next week. My question is, how long a period is it usually between surgery and the start of radiation as I won't need chemo unless the pathology comes back to show cancer in the lymph nodes? I am hoping there will be at least four weeks between my surgery and the start of radiation.
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Hi everybody
I've only been diagnosed this week and my lumpectomy is scheduled for next week. My question is, how long a period is it usually between surgery and the start of radiation as I won't need chemo unless the pathology comes back to show cancer in the lymph nodes? I am hoping there will be at least four weeks between my surgery and the start of radiation.
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Aug 2013 I had my first Breast removed with 19lymph glands removed and 17 positive nodes.6months of chemo and 4 months of radiation.
With the love and support of family and friends ,a healthy diet I managed fairly well .
I did learn after a severe reaction not to eat prawns while on chemo.
Aug 2014 another masectomy,
I feel great I love being even ,at this stage I am not having a reconstruction ,I am 58 years old not wearing a bra ,went swimming this week and with my new cossie no prothesis I felt great.
This is the new me
Happy to be on the planet enjoying my family.