
Laura R
Laura R Member Posts: 3
edited October 2014 in General discussion
Hi everyone,
I just want to introduce myself. My name is Laura. In April 2012 I was diagnosed with invasive ducal carcinoma and had treatment of AC for 12 weeks, radiotherapy and then Tamoxifen. I came off the Tamoxifen after 5 weeks as could not tolerate it and then argued with my doctor that I didn't need to be on it as I was triple negative anyway. I had a slightly positive progesterone count. But a lot of research seems to point to this being considered TN now. So I stuck to that. It was my choice, but it wasn't a good time! Everything has been fine since. From the moment of finishing treatment I made up my mind that getting a mastectomy would be the way I wanted to go. I had the surgery done on the 22 September (3 weeks ago) and unfortunately there were two new tiny tumours found. This time there is no doubt about them being TN. I have had a clear CT scan and bone scan and all evidence points to no lymph involvement. I am feeling very lucky! I will find out treatment on Wednesday. Have no idea whether it will be same chemo as before. Some people I talk to suggest I may get off without treatment, but I can't imagine that happening!


  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015
    Welcome to this network but sorry you are going through this crap journey again.I gather you had a lumpectomy in 2012.I had a similar experience in that I had bc in 2003 (lumpectomy,full node clearance,radiation)and then bc again in the same breast in 2010.My cancer was oestrogen +ve so I've been on Tamoxifen for the last 4 years.I have a girlfriend who had TN twice like you and she had to have chemo again.It will depend on your pathology and your oncologist I would think.Sounds like you have caught it early again which is good news.Such a relief to get clear body/bone scans.I hope you are travelling ok since surgery- a mastectomy can take a little getting used to so blog back if you need to chat. Big hug, Tonya xx
  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015
    Welcome to this network but sorry you are going through this crap journey again.I gather you had a lumpectomy in 2012.I had a similar experience in that I had bc in 2003 (lumpectomy,full node clearance,radiation)and then bc again in the same breast in 2010.My cancer was oestrogen +ve so I've been on Tamoxifen for the last 4 years.I have a girlfriend who had TN twice like you and she had to have chemo again.It will depend on your pathology and your oncologist I would think.Sounds like you have caught it early again which is good news.Such a relief to get clear body/bone scans.I hope you are travelling ok since surgery- a mastectomy can take a little getting used to so blog back if you need to chat. Big hug, Tonya xx
  • Laura R
    Laura R Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2015

    Hi Tonya,

    Thank you for your message.  I now have my treatment plan and it starts this Thursday. FEC-D for 18 weeks (6 treatments).  I feel better knowing what I have in store for me, but the waiting is taking its toll.  I am run down and exhausted. 

    You are correct.  I did have a lumpectomy first time around in 2012.  I had AC for 12 weeks and then radiotherapy.  I am recovering ok from mastectomy.  I had more surgery last Friday week to get more lymph nodes as my oncologist wasn't happy with just a biopsy.  Thank goodness the pathology again came back clear.  So I just have to get through chemo again and I should be ok.  

    thank you so much for your message.  It's lovely speaking to people who know what it is like.  It's like a safety net isn't it?



  • Laura R
    Laura R Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2015

    Hi Alice,

    thank you so much for your message.  I will be looking at reconstruction at some stage.  It's way ahead at the moment.  Just need to get through the current chapter first and then think about what I want.  But right now I can't imagine going through life without a cleavage! 

    thank you though for telling me about the group.  It's something I had not thought about. But good to know there is a support group out there.

