Beautiful strangers
The Kindness of strangers. Over Easter at the caravan park at Alex Headland we met a really nice couple from Moree in NSW. The lady whose name was Anne, saw my Zonta pillow & explained how both her mother & Grandma had suffered from breast cancer & she was a member of Zonta herself. On getting ready to leave this kind…
Wanting to turn back time...
Hi All This may seem a strange way to start my blogging experience, but it is where the need is at right now! I might back track at a later date to share the story of my recent diagnosis with breast cancer but for now...I really want to turn back time! I love Easter...spending time with family and friends, camping,…
Happy Easter
Good morning everyone I just wanted to wish you all a lovely Easter doing what makes you happy with the people that you love. For those of you who are not feeling so fantastic today, we are here, tomorrow is another day and life will soon be good again. Karen xox
Cooking for kids
New Idea Magazine's latest cookbook Cooking For Kids features Australian celebrities cooking up a storm with their children. New Idea has generously donated $2,000 on behalf of each celebrity involved to BCNA. Thank you, New Idea! The cookbook is available at newsagents and supermarkets now.
Catherine britt
hi there there is a great article in yesterday's Sunday style magazine and it's about Catherine Britt who is an Australian artist with a beautiful voice and she talks about having breast cancer. What I really like about it is that in telling her story she gives some education too. For example she talks about having 2.3 cm…
extra long summer days
hi bloggers, we are travelling well. Sometimes I feel very sad and am not really sure why??? I have to force myself to be happy with my lot.........force myself to think positive and be mindful of all the great things I have in my life. Its Easter, and its not raining, and the sun and surf are out.......We have a roof over…
a little ditty
A friend and I worked on this little ditty. With Chemo, while resting in a comfy chair The wig replacing the falling hair I've had enough of this aggravation Rounds of chemo, then radiation The medicine chest is full to the top But if it comes in a capsule a pill or a drop I've got it covered for all situations From…
This weeks inspiration
Mini-break Glamping before radiation - just what the doctor ordered
This week hubby and I spent 2 nights Glamping at Jervis Bay. I wasn't really looking forward to this trip as I was so tired after chemo with my heart issues and an injured ACL which meant that I have been hobbling round all week. But in the end I am so glad we got away before I start radiation tomorrow. Below is the photo…
Puppy Day
Did you know that today is Puppy Day? If the internet says so, then it must be true, right? ;-) Studies have shown that interactions with a gentle, friendly dog (or cat) has significant health benefits, the main ones being that they can provide comfort and lift our spirits. Let’s see a picture of your special furry…
Airbrushed mural
Hi All, Going through my old portfolio for airbrushing and found this! This was my first mural on a car bonnet.....the car went on to win many show awards, with the help of my artwork! I haven't airbrushed in such a long time....really need to get back into it after treatment..... This piece took me around 80 hours and I…
Through the eyes of a child...
From todays blog....hope you are all having an easy day.... Day 20 - after round two "Hello Aunty Tracy" the little voice said over the phone, " Hello Mi Mi!" What are you doing?" I said back....." I went on the big scooter! I went on a biiiig bike ride! Bye, Bye, love you!" Those were the words of my insanely cute, 3 year…
My great niece ...
Hi All, I thought I'd share this portrait with you....This is my first ever human portrait....for years I have struggled drawing humans! Until I found an on line tutorial "The five pencil method" I worked through the tutorials and ta daaa! i produced this portrait! I am now no longer scared to draw people! This is my great…
It's Not Me
It's that old cliche ... It only happens to other people ... and although it's happened to me I keep hearing this voice telling me it's not really as bad as other women's cancers. I still have my breast, the surgeon removed the tumour and my lymph nodes were clear. So .... that's not bad! People are telling me how it is a…
Small inky doodle
I am so glad there is this little corner here. I usually paint or draw daily. That has not been happening since that first phone call 2-3 weeks ago. I am finding it hard to focus on creating anything right now even though I know it will help me. I did this small little ink painting yesterday. I love cats. This is kind of…