Puppy Day

Did you know that today is Puppy Day? If the internet says so, then it must be true, right? ;-)
Studies have shown that interactions with a gentle, friendly dog (or cat) has significant health benefits, the main ones being that they can provide comfort and lift our spirits.
Let’s see a picture of your special furry companion.
Here's my boy Sam, a Kelpie cross, when he was a puppy and more recently. He hogs all the cushions on the couch.
Gotta agree with this - some days my cat and dog are the only ones who understand me!
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Let's see them, Merrel! :-)
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This is our 11 year old golden retriever, Ellie. She is still a puppy at heart and denies any knowledge of what happened to this roll of toilet paper!
During my treatment she was by my side day and night including one bad day where I was in bed for 16 hours straight. Never left me even for a toilet break! Whenever I opened an eyelid she was there. Deanne xxx
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Ellie is beautiful and clearly innocent of the toilet paper mishap. She sounds very loving and loyal too. I'm glad you've got her by your side :-)
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Not so naughty but in luv with her cat!
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Aw, how sweet!
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My beautiful Dogs were my constant companions during my treatment and even came to visit me whilst I was in hospital for 5 days due to the effects of chemo. Love them to bits. My 16.5 year old kelpie (Froggie) and my 5 year old border collie (Pepper).
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Aw, I love their little Christmas hats! They look very sweet and smart too.
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This is Nitro (grey one) who is nearly 15 and his daughter Shilo (black one) who turns 9 this year. They are Standard Schnauzers but for now I have removed their whiskers while I have chemo so I don't have to keep them clean. They are huge sticky beaks and follow me every where, even to the toilet.
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Haha, yes, they do have that concerned expression. "What'cha doin', mum?" They're very cute, Brenda. Thanks for sharing.