Recent DiscussionsOur GardensFor those of us for whom our gardens are special, or for whom our gardens aided in our recovery whether physical or emotional, post your photos of your garden that bring you joy. Cassia fistula (Go...Hair - what did you do?Hi all - I am almost a year post chemo and am wondering what to do with my hair. It has come back dark and curly (and a bit mullet like). I am thinking of trying to grow it into a bob and then shoulde...Airport Security / Breast ProthesisSo 2 years ago we were seeing my daughter off at Melbourne Airport I had a not so fun experience going through the Airport Security wearing a Breast Prothesis which I have previously posted about. ...Cold sensation in chest when drinking cold drinks after bilateral MJust a quick question - does anyone else have a weird sensation when drinking cold drinks after their mastectomy? I had bi lat mastectomy 6 weeks ago and when I drink cold drinks, I can feel the coldn...What book are you reading?I know there was a discussion a few months ago about what people are reading at the moment but I can't find it so I'm starting a new one! I read lots of good books (and some not so good ones) but I...What pets do you have?I am interested what pets every one has. I have two old Standard Schnauzers (one of which knew I had breast cancer but I fobbed his sniffing off as being a sticky beak at the time), a rosella called A...My results from surgery!!Here is what my results are:: Left breast hookworm wide local excision 20mm of high grade DCIS with comedonecrosis and calcification ER Negative I will be keeping a close eye on things radiation...Pathology reportHi everyone I am wanting to know how I can get my pathology report from my operation ? Even though I am starting to heal ,I don't seem to have any support in my treatment from the hospital Thank...My Surgeon tells me see you in 6 monthsHi,everyone!! surgeon says my operation went very well all clear margins see me in 6 months, to everyone here who has supported me through a nightmare I thought I would never recover from thankyou,th...Ladies in Black (TV Series) Starts tonight on ABC -Did you watch the movie Ladies in Black when it came out in 2021? I did & really enjoyed it. It was a great Aussie movie, set in Sydney in the 50-60s .... in the fashion department of a large Depa...Dizzy turns - BC Trip Negative diagnosed July 2019 Hi ladies! I thought I’d reach out & ask if anyone is going through same thing as me! As I don’t feel I’m getting anywhere at the Doctors even though tests done, bloods, heart monitor & all come back...Can't handle any moreHi Every one. I have 4 more taxol sessions to go and I am unrecognizable. I have no hair no lashes no eyebrows, I have to poets hanging put of my arm that have exma all around them. I have put on weig...Happy EasterBest wishes to all as we enter the Easter holidays. A time to relax and enjoy and hopefully a welcome distraction from treatment. If travelling, safe travels Take care Free berlie post surgery braHi guys l have a brand new berlie post surgery bra 12b . Plus an insert if anyone would like it please send me a message and l will post it to you. AdeanCompression Garments Hi all. Ten weeks ago I had DIEP flap breast reconstruction surgery which all went well. I have been progressing along great although I am curious how long everyone was wearing their compression ga...2024Best wishes to all! The saying, the older we get, the faster time goes! Christmas Eve GreetingsHello lovely people, The combination of Christmas preparations and navigating chemo got a bit hectic for me, but finally on Christmas Eve I'm catching my breath and able to enjoy it a little b...Family supportM My daughter’s carrot and walnut with cream cheese icing celebratory cupcakes!!! Radiation therapy over!!’Wearing a backpack post TRAMHi everyone, I've just had my TRAM procedure and am thinking about holidays. Does anyone here do multiday hikes with a pack? How long until you were back to hiking with a pack? I am day 4 post surg...Best Swimwear ProsthesisHello, looking to buy a swimsuit, but would be interested in peoples opinions re the best practcle swim prosthesis.
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