A prayer for all
From today's blog...... https://www.facebook.com/An-ordinary-womans-extraordinary-experience-755583577912529/?ref=hl Hope everyone is having a good day....for those who aren't sending hugs! Day 10- after round two Slept really well after my big day yesterday! It's a rainy day here today, so not much to do but potter about…
It felt good....
Since having this great website recommended to me, and reading people's interesting and varied stories about so many different aspects of their journeys, I have realized that this is a place where you can blog about just about anything, and people will "get it", because they are on that same road. So....... Today I…
Pink Troopers Boots
Doesn't look like much at the moment, but put a few hours in today... Making s drawing is like making a pastry.... 'Layer upon layer' stay tuned! Thanks for looking!
Time for another change ... aka alternate route ahead!
Woops!!!! Here we go again. Just got back from my appointment with my surgeon to get the results from my bone scan and ct scan (which I'd already gotten from my gp/boss yesterday) So I assumed that we'd just be confirming and discussing my surgery for this coming Thursday.... WRONG! woops I forgot that my surgeon had done…
friends bearing gifts
Yesterday my friend came to visit for lunch. She brought the beautiful lunch with her, as well as dinner for our whole family for that night, kindly considering our vegetarian son. We had a good talk and laugh, I had my first glass of wine in about a month, and then it was time for her to go. As we were saying goodbye at…
Hi all, well it's been 6 months since I finished cancer treatment but I am still undergoing rituximab infusions for another chronic illness that I have sufferred for 8 years. Throughout my cancer treatment my immediate family were less than supportive. I continued to work part time throughout 6 months of chemo, 33…
Happy St. Patrick's Day
May you always have... Walls for the winds A roof for the rain Tea beside the fire Laughter to cheer you Those you love near you And all your heart might desire.
Take back my life song
I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed of late. Eight months of surgery, chemo, radio then hormone blockers - aint they a treat?!? Just loving the hot flushes! Months where my life was driven by setting goals - make it through that next chemo, the next appointment, just another week of radio. Now I'm in that no-mans land in…
Heart of gold
That moment when your hubby shaves his head in support of you... Trouble is I still have more hair than him at the moment! He has a heart of gold and I love him to the moon and back!
Getaway scheming
Scheming a get away atm. It may not come to fruition as its expensive but with family away at a course next week every day from Monday to Friday I really don’t feel like sitting at home by myself moping. I am slipping down a dark place and I need a resort or something to pull me out of it all. Think I should?
Family Day **Warning grandbaby photo and horses!**
So given that I am having the all important meeting tomorrow to discuss whether I'm to have a mastectomy or just another wider local excision plus a full ancillary clearance, and then the surgery this Thursday, today we decided to have a lovely family day, and do something I wont be able to do for a while, and thats spend…
Mater Springfield support and tips for the waiting
Hi, I'm new and recently diagnosed, I am a Mum to a 6 year old girl. Off to have a wide excision tomorrow at the new Mater Springfield. Looking for other Mums around the area to talk to or anyone with tips on dealing with the wait between surgery and having a treatment plan in place. Not really sure where to start this…
Happy International Women's Day
Happy International Women's Day! Here are some of my favourite resources on the history of women in Australia. ABC's timeline of the women's movement Australian Women's History Forum timeline Australian suffragettes A great global accomplishment of women has been raising awareness of breast cancer. Breast cancer has been…
Create a life you love
More inspiration for all the ladies who inspire me. Alright, it's like this.... In 5 weeks time I'm up fora DIEP transfer. I've gone from a stressed out career woman with heels and attitude to an artist with heels and attitude. I've met the most extroidinary people on this network who have inspired me through chemo, and…
Change Needed
Hi..My journey started in2011....Many treatments,operations ,waiting rooms and all that goes with the journey later.......diagnosed triple negative,grade 3. For those not familiar with triple negative it means that that the cancer cells do not need hormones for their growth and can not be treated with hormones to suppress…