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Help with disability patient
Dear All I am currently seeing a 50 year old wheelchairbound intelectually disable gal who has just had a chest wall recurrence. Has anyone delt with this before?
I am having fun! Not sure who will view this blog. Is there an option to have a private blog? I guess there is no point in it. I am really excited about flying down to Melb for the Field of Women. I was the Sydney FoW as a baby BC survivor. I will bunk in with the girls from Alb-Wodonga and I can't wait to see them all…
I'm on twitter too! @eviealison xx evie
Tumblr Bog
Hi all! I have another blog that I use to post a few random things too. Hopefully I can manage to link this blog up to my Tumblr blog. Anyway, here's the link if anyone is interested. I do post breast cancer related things there as well. xx evie
lost blog
I seem to have lost the first blog i try again.
perfect weekend
what a weekend. Glorious weather, lunch at the pub outside in the sunshine.. great coffee (with a shot of frangelico) dips and pitter bread shared with my youngest son ... We sat and watched the everchanging water with its bird life, boats, canoes and other water craft. Life is good.
Another month gone
hi all, Im sitting here taking a look around this wonderful new addition to bcna Am having my "lazy' day as yeserday was my monhly dose of zometa, feeling tad achy and fluish. How quickly time flies by.... I don't live from treatment to treatment but because this is a regular occurance in my life it seems to be the way…