What a wonderful event!
Anyone travelling from Newcastle/Hunter area? Looking forward to networking with others.
Sunny WA
1 week down 1 more to go. I dont want to come home at least not until the temp reaches a respectable 18+. Am here in sunny Karatha, Have been whale watching on bros boat, saw a dozen or so hump backs; 2 swam a couple of feet in front of the boat. Have just returned from 3 days at Coral Bay, heaven on earth. Definately have…
chris odowd
hi to Di........
chris o'dowd
Di not sure if you got my first blog but guess what I think I had the wrong photo so now have a correct one. regards chris
heading to the gold coast
Hi All Looking forward to heading north to connect with other young women. And also some welcomed sun!!! Jo (From cold Victoria!)
September Meeting
Next meeting will be on Monday 6th September at the Murwillumbah Bowls Club. 10am- 12md. "Cutting The Ties That Bind" is again the topic of discussion as Tricia Mccormick explores strategies that may help in managing stress. Especially when it is other factors that impacts on one's self. Lianne.
Hi all, One member has posted a question on an old comment, that might get overlooked. So if you do have anthying to offer, she might appreciate a response from someone. It's on the 'building a better bra' post in the BCNA blog, here's the URL: http://www.bcna.org.au/network/groups/54/blog/4686#comment-229. Di
Indian Dinner
Sadly my computer hasn't been happy and didn't let me post before our latest outing. We went to Saffron, a new Indian restaurant in Geelong (Moorabool St) on Friday night and had a great meal and talk fest. Our next date will be a brunch on Sunday Sept 19th. Contact me by email for details
I've found a wonderful exercise/wellbeing program called ChiBall. It is a combination of yoga, pilates, Tai Chi, Feldenkrais and meditation using a coloured ball. The program is based on the philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine. I've been going to classes for 3 months and it's the best hour of my week. It is such a…
puppy love
Hi everyone, Hope all is going well. I could do with some sunshine, feeling a bit down. Is there anyone in the Yarra Valley that would like to share a coffee? Or just catch up. Just leave me a message.
My Sister
Today my sister learnt that she has breast cancer. Thankfully it is operable. We've already lost a family member to cancer. I'm feeling pretty angry with the 'big C' at the moment. My sister is approaching her diagnosis with a good degree of optimism and has great friends and good support. I'm feeling relatively confident…
Get Connected!
Hi all, Here's this week's Get Connected post. All you need to do is click on the link, scroll down to the 'comments' field at the bottom, and introduce yourself. Welcome to ask if you have any questions. Di
Get Connected day
Hi all, Well, looks like I missed Wednesday (where does the time go?!), so we're doing Get Connected Day on Thursday instead. Thanks to some helpful feedback, we're going to make a small change and keep just one post going rather than start a new one each week. So, from now on just go to the same place to see who's new.…
Zoe from Innisfail
I am the local coordinator for the Innisfail Breast Cancer Support Group. We have 9 members at the moment and have just had our 2nd meeting and one of our members organised a MFoW and our group members helped to make it a hugt success.
Collecting Bras & Breasts
Dear Gals Am off to India in Septmber travelling with Ritu www.highwaysbeyondcancer.org if you would like to see her website. We are a group of breast cancer survivors nurses & family and are taking over mastectomy bras & breast forms. If you have any ( new or good second hand) we would be happy to take them off your…