Three cheers for Megan and all those involved in brining so many young women with BC together to attend such an informative and empowering conference. I gained a strong feeling that I am NOT ALONE and that I am following in the footsteps of some really amazing SURVIVORS. I am inspired by the significant acheivements of the…
Thank you
Good Morning! I have been bowled over by the responses I received. To be honest, I didn't really think anyone was out there - a shot in the dark and now I have received responses from so many lovely people. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your stories and writing to me. I am in the process of writing back and adding…
I had a breast screen in mid June and by the 2nd July my right breast was removed. I would like to talk to someone in a similar position. I am 59, married, 2 children and 3 grandchildren and I live in Brisbane. I can't find any groups near my postcode.
Sensational Weekend
Fantastic job Megan and Cancer Council Queensland! Thanks for putting on a fabulous weekend. Came away with so much ... knowledge and networking just to name 2. So many beautiful, gorgeous, amazing, incredible women in one place. The energy from the group was dynamic. Thank you, thank you. Can't wait for 2012 ... wherever…
Deb 610
I am interested in talking to a lady or someone who knows someone who has been diagnosed with a secondary breast cancer that is in the spine. I had major surgery last year, had 2 vertebraes removed and I have 2 rods holding me up and would love to chat to anyone with something similar to me
It's raining today. It's also a bit cold. I love the rain - it's so cleansing. I'm home today doing 'housework' type things - paying the bills, checking schedules, prioritising activities, doing laundry, cleaning house. I never thought I'd ever catch myself saying "I don't mind housework." But here I am saying just that. I…
Get Connected Day!
It's Wednesday again, so it's time for this week's Get Connected post (does anyone else feel like the days are flying by?). What to do Get Connected Day is about finding others to connect with, by introducing yourself. All you need to do is click on the link above, read the post, then scroll down to the 'comments' field at…
Get Connected Day!
Whoops! I missed Wednesday again (someone needs to remind me! ;) . So, it's well and truly time for this week's Get Connected post. If you want to introduce yourself, then all you need to do is click on the link above, read the post, then scroll down to the 'comments' field at the bottom and write a little bit about…
Finally I have arrived
I've gotten there at last. I'm starting to feel like half a person again - Melbourne's weather is not kind to my health!!! Lucky that my little family is moving back to Queensland in January. I'm enjoying the site but I think I will have to set a timetable for myself - my husband needs some TLC as he is supervising a crew…
Get connected day!
Hi all, It's Wednesday, so time again for this week's Get Connected post. All you need to do is click on the 'Get Connected post' link, scroll down to the 'comments' field at the bottom of the post, and introduce yourself. Don't forget, when you see someone who has similar interests or experiences to you, you can add them…
Group photo
Sorry girls! I couldn't make the photo the right size to fit everyone in but at least we're not a blank silhouette anymore. :)
Excitement Plus!
Hi! I'm also super excited about the conference being on the Gold Coast! Very much looking forward to it :) x Evie
Hi everyone, I just need some sunshine. The weather is getting me down. Spending a lot of time on the online shopping sites, not good for my wallet. LOTS OF LUV.
I am not having much luck with my post.They are getting lost somewhere. What Am I doing wrong.Hang on there it is , now it is showing up.Any way how is everyone doing?I am back from our short break, feeling a little better. The weather down here is still very cold but we are moving towards spring now so hopefully the…
Looking forward to meeting everyone
I too will be attending the conference and I am looking forward to meeting everyone across the space of the weekend. It is great to see that everyone is so excited and with so many incredible presentations there should be something for everyone. I do hope that the weather is warmer up on the Gold Coast than Victoria :)…