Group photo
Finally getting a group photo up! Sorry to the ladies cut out of the photo. Have a lot more learning to do to get the photo right. Zoe from Innisfail
Lost blog posts
Hi Daina, I don't know what is happening but I have 'lost' the 2 blog posts I created in my profile. I posted one just after FoW and another just now as a test. I don't know what I am doing wrong! Tookie
Get connected day!
Here we are again on Wednesday, so it's once again 'get connected' day here in the Getting Started group (no-one reminded me last week, so we missed one!). What to do... Comment to this post (use the comment form at the bottom of the page) with a short note about yourself and who you're looking to connect to. Easy! If you…
Invite friends
Hi everyone, I was wondering how I can write in my profile for friends and family to read and keep up with my news. I thought I did it yesterday, but it seems noone has received anything. i.e. the email inviting them. Thanks, if anyone can help, Sara.
In the beginning ...
Secondary cancer is a hell of a thing. I was diagnosed with secondary breast cancer 5 years ago and was given to believe that my prognosis wasn't necessarily good. My surgeon told me that she knows someone who's had secondary breast cancer in her bones for 20 years, so I hold on to that hope. 5 years from chemotherapy, I'm…
Get connected day
Hi everyone! It's Wednesday again (doesn't time fly?:), so that means it's 'get connected' day here in the Getting Started group. What to do... All you need to do is comment to this post (use the comment form at the bottom of the page) with a short note about yourself and who you're looking to connect to. Easy! If you see…
Ode for Survival
I want to share my rhyme with you...I wrote this sometime after having breast cancer. Ode for Survival In this universe you will see People just like you and me Why we're here we do not know Days come and days go We look for peace, love and glory Now I'll tell you my story. Feeling well until one day The doctor must have…
Ladies Clothing Sale for Breast Cancer
Clothing Sale for breast cancer When Saturday 12 June (10am - 3pm) Sunday 13 June (11am - 2pm) Where Uniting Church Hall (Cnr MacIntosh & Lake St in Forster) What New and pre-loved clothes $5 Shoes, bags, jewellery & lingerie
Get connected day
Hi all, There's quite a lot going on in the network at the moment, and a lot of people looking for others of similar experience to connect to. So, to create a central place where you can leave a message about yourself and indicate you'd like to connect with others, we're making Wednesday "Get Connected" day here in the…
Have just been diagnosed with Secondary BC. Had Bilateral mastectomy in 2002, thought I was home free and doing well until May this year when diagnosed. Will be 55 this year and feel as if I still need more time here before the end. Have lots of questions. Undergoing chemotherapy (six sessions) have finished with two of…
Getting Connected
I've just logged onto the website and would like to chat with other young women who have gone through or are currently receiving treatment for breast cancer.
A growing Network
My first blog! Exciting for me as I'm quite new to the world of social networking, however really excited about the possibilities our new online community will offer in terms of connecting women affected by breast cancer around the country. Today I found myself smiling at my screen after I did a search of profiles - this…
The Scar Project
Amazing Ladies, great photos to raise awareness of breast cancer among younger generations. http://www.thescarproject.org/
spreading the pink word
I hope this network and its links to other social networking sites wil raise the awareness of all the good work being done by BCNA for all of us who have had surgery; and our friends and relatives who have need of the resources provided by BCNA. We can all learn from each other that a diagnosis of Breast Cancer need not be…
We're off and running!
Wow, this is exciting. My first chance to publicise out male partner's support group. The NSW Cancer Council has been behind me 100% on this project. When my wife was going through her breast cancer treatment there was no place for me to go and meet with other men who were supporting their partners through the journey. I…