Checking in
Hi all, Just wanted to check in and see how you're all doing, and how you're finding the network? Also whether you've read the 'community champion' guidelines and feel okay with that role? Can you all check in and respond with a comment to this post? (Tookie, we've logged your issue with the developers and they're…
THe next meeting of our support group is on Monday 7th June at Our Well Being Place . 108 Swanport Road Murray Bridge at 10.30 am The first night of our Dance Troupe was a success with those attending promising to return next week- a good start !
2009 Mingara Relay for Life Speech
2009 Mingara Central Coast Relay for Life – Candlelight Speech - Oct 2009 Hello everyone. What an extraordinary privilege for me to share with you my experience as Ann’s Husband, and as someone who cared deeply for someone they loved. Ann died 5 months ago (May 09), at the age of 45, after fighting cancer for 13 years. My…
Intrepid Spirits
Dragons Abreast is a group who help post-treatment breast cancer patients transition from patients back into a full and active life. Dragon boat paddling is believed to deliver significant physical and psycho-social benefits. We have lots of fun too. All breast cancer survivors are welcome to join Dragons Abreast Ballarat…
Try 2 another lost blog
Hi seem to be losing my blogs! After the wonderful experience of FoW 2010 I came home to wax lyrical and wrote a great long post that seemed to disappear into cyberspace. So let's see what happens with this one.
So. We spent the day working and testing -- thanks everyone for all the hard work, it's a big help!
Hi I,m not very good with the computer, but would like to contact other ladies with breast cancer. I also have bladder cancer.
Exciting times
This is so exciting! We are doing some final testing and are just about ready to launch. Thanks everyone for your support.
Welcome !
Hi everyone, glad to see you have joined us on the website. Linda
Cancer Sucks - part 1
I like to ride my horse, I like to canter accross the fields with the wind in my hair enjoying the experience of being with my boy whom I trust completely. But I cant ride at the moment, and my fat horse thinks hes retired, and that Im only here on this earth to feed him and give him pats across the fence. In approx June…
Love the new site!
Love the new BCNA website. Had a bit of an explore and I have to say it's such a huge improvement on the old site. Fantastic!! Love the share feature. x evie
Congatulations BCNA
Thank u for giving me the opportunity to stand on the G with my sons, mother, father and friends for this incredible event. Standing there with my special people around me is something that I will remember always. The image we saw, as the lites dimmed and our flashing pink lady beacon shone, is one we all treasure. Well…
2010 Field of Women Live
Thank you to BCNA an all those involved in making the 2010 Field of Women live event happen. It was one of the most momentous experiences of my life! Would love to hear from others who were at the event.
Congratulations BCNA
Congratulations on a great new website, and a new place to blog and make connections for this very special group of people!! Also, how amazing is Raelene Boyle on the Footy Show last night?! Fantastic fund raising, and awareness raising. She is such a vibrant beautiful woman, and it was great to see someone of her calibre…
Trying to contact other Qld groups
Like everyone else, starting to make contact with other similar groups on our new site, I cannot find the "add comments" like so thought I'd try the blog instead.