Sunny WA

marls40 Member Posts: 71
edited October 2010 in Day to day

1 week down 1 more to go. I dont want to come home at least not until the temp reaches a respectable 18+.
Am here in sunny Karatha, Have been whale watching on bros boat, saw a dozen or so hump backs; 2 swam a couple of feet in front of the boat.
Have just returned from 3 days at Coral Bay, heaven on earth. Definately have to return there in near future.
Can feel my Vit D levels increasing. Smiles.
Great to spend special time with my bro, sis in law, niece and nephews.
Life is definately good and getting better all the time.


  • Di_BCNA
    Di_BCNA Member Posts: 896
    edited March 2015
    Sounds like you're having a great time! Don't blame you for not wanting to come home with that lovely temperature.

    I was lucky enough to go to Coral Bay years ago and agree -- it's a fabulous place and so unspoiled. Hope the next week is just as good!

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