Getaway scheming

Scheming a get away atm. It may not come to fruition as its expensive but with family away at a course next week every day from Monday to Friday I really don’t feel like sitting at home by myself moping. I am slipping down a dark place and I need a resort or something to pull me out of it all. Think I should?
Hi Brenda,
You could check out - Also have a look at our Local Service Directory x
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Thanks Ann-Maree but none of those are near me.
The one I am considering is half an hour down the road and sort of on the way to my family's course if you add and extra half an hour travelling or so. I have warned the resort I am a chemo patient and it doesn't seem to bother them as its quiet during weekdays and more busy on weekends with weddings etc. I may need picking up off the floor when I get the quote though.
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If you are feeling well enough, do it Brebda! God knows you've earned it... Do you have a friend that can go with you?
it too easy to slip down that rabbit hole.... Im heading that way myself I think... Time to pull yourself up and out if it!
Sending you hugs
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Great idea Brenda.... go for it, it will make you feel good and if you have a friend to go with even better xxx
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Hi Brenda,
Do what makes you happy, we all need a happy place when we go through this crap, I'm feeling down atm too and I just ride my horse or if I can't I just brush her, she is my go to friend atm.
Keep your spirits up ?
Cheers Jen ?? ?? ?? xx
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Well its not going to happen. Husband said its too expensive. So apparently is some air conditioning to live in and the cost of electricity so I will dutifully stay at home like the dogs until this 6 months of treatment is over and then I will spread my wings and get a job and do whatever I like in life.
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Not to worry Brenda....Think of a getaway as something special to celebrate the end of your treatment! Start planning/saving now....
Meanwhile, you still have your walks and outings with your family, friends and faithful furbabies....sit by the water and breathe in life...
Hugs to you
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Hi Brenda
I found that when I started feeling better after treatment that I started to get bored - lets face it a life of sleeping in, reading and watching movies sounds great when you are time poor and working 40+ hours a week, but its not all its cracked up to be. There is a real lack of satisfaction.
I started spring cleaning the house, getting rid of all the stuff I don't use any more, unfortunately I didn't finish off the current section before my next treatment, so have to look at it until next week
There is also the bonus of finding things you haven't seen in a long time which can bring back really nice memories, and I find the end result really satisfying.
Just an idea
Love & luck
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Thanks for the suggestions. Before breast cancer I had just moved from a fully furnished house to a fully furnished house so you can imagine the clutter we have here. Everything is still in boxes and boxes piled high. I just need to find the energy to do battle on them. I still have no idea where a lot of things are.
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I think its important to have something to look forward to - especially at the end of treatment. So while I wish I could do a trip away, for now I'm just planning and researching a holiday option to take at the end of the year. Hopefully you can save and do something similar.
In the meantime, what about a visit to a friend or family's place? I feel like I need to get out of the house sometime. And while I wish I had the energy to clean/sort and do some things that I've always wanted to around the house, the reality is that I'm not up to it at the moment. But I did get my sister to visit and help with de-cluttering a few things. I'm thinking of asking her to come back!
Hope you can manage to get a bit of a break. Am sure there must be a few things you could get out of house and do, which might give you a bit of a break, given that a holiday is not an option just yet.