Something lighthearted......
Don't think I'm insane........ but a week after my mastectomy, I was first asked what size bra I took, to which I said "oh about a 12CC maybe, just maybe even up to a 14? With the air of a conjuror, I was handed a "boob insert" as the breast care coordinator called it. I was kind of flummoxed. It was HUGE! I was told to…
Support groups
hi everyone i live in Bridgetown South of Perth. Anyone know of any support groups or events around this area Jenny
ok... So today....just for today.... I'm gonna allow myself to be a sook no , there's no new treatment to face, no harrowing news to face off against, no horrible side effects to frighten me. But today my son moved out of home, out of town, 1500km away, to start a new job..... - He's the son who turned down the last job…
Support for young people aged 14 to 22!
Hi all, If you have children aged between 14 and 22, you might be interested in a program run by CanTeen called ‘TRUCE: A support program for young people who have a parent with cancer’. The Truce program aims to help young people cope better with having a parent or caregiver with cancer, and they are looking for young…
Life Insurance - can I get it?
Hi all I stupidly don't have life insurance and now I can't find anyone to insure me. I've had a successful lumpectomy and had the all clear and I'm now having chemo and radiotherapy. Does anyone have any recommendations of who might insure me or is it impossible now? Thanks! :)
Welcome to the new year!
A big hello for the new year, 2016 here we go! Welcome to all our new "get active and keep well" members - Angie Scooper Shannii Ruby nic2193 Marni_s Marg McL Louisa Locotter Jovanovl Jenny Anna & Andij We had a number of members take part in our very first Revitalise program with Fernwood last year. It was a great success…
External Prostheses- free to good home
Hi - is there anyone with a contact for recycling external prosthesis? We in Tassie have sent to India and Africa in the past but do not have a contact anymore and it seems a shame to not re-use whne they are no longer required (becuase of reconstruction). As co-convenor of the Launceston Breast Cancer Support Group I am…
Off to Melbourne for the day to see Dr Kate Stern
Hi all I'm off to see Dr Kate Stern next Tuesday for her opinion. Lots of questions for her! Should I change from Zoladex to Tamoxifen, and if so, will I produce eggs for harvest? What is her opinion on babies after BC? Is surrogacy easier in Vic than NSW? What are her stats on defrosting eggs to make embryos to be…
... and a New Year begins ....
Hi everyone Wishing all a Happy New Year - may it bring you better health and much happiness. As my year began I watched the triplets leave home for the first time - but they flew back to roost (as you can see by the first picture). It is a bit blurry as the wind was strong and the branches moving ! I went inside to find…
Back in August I was diagnosed with BC and had surgery to remove the lump and lymph nodes, I was then given the all clear but had to do six rounds of chemo and in Feb need to do Radio. Well excitedly I did my last chemo yesterday. It is all a bit nerve wracking how do I know we have it all ? I am told no tests are required…
Today is a reflective day as I ponder and remember my dear friend Marg. We both set out on this cancer journey, mine being breast and hers being lung. We kept each other company in the early hours of hospital stays when sleep was hard to come by; she in one hospital and me in another, via the email. Marg lost her battle on…
2016 here we come
Hi all I hope you have all had a wonderful festive season and are sharing the positive memories of the last year. It can be hard sometimes find in the positives along the way as we deal with diagnosis and treatment, however we are not alone and each step we take is one step closer to our destination. For me my final…
The Triplets are 10 days old
After being born on a 40+ degree day, surviving the cold nights of under 10 degrees and then strong southerly winds we see our triplets are becoming more active. A few more days and they may be getting out of the nest as it is a bit crowded at the minute. For other nature-lovers, we have to admire the Willy Wagtail parents…
We did it
Thank you for my life
While we ate Xmas lunch today I sat back for a minute and thought does anyone here in my family know I think often I wonder if I will be ok next year, it lingers for a minute and then someone said are you ok mum and I jolt back to reality and I bury that thought again. My eldest told me of for dancing in the kitchen and I…