External Prostheses- free to good home

Custard Member Posts: 417
edited January 2016 in Day to day

Hi - is there anyone with a contact for recycling external prosthesis? We in Tassie have sent to India and Africa in the past but do not have a contact anymore and it seems a shame to not re-use whne they are no longer required (becuase of reconstruction).

As co-convenor of the Launceston Breast Cancer Support Group I am contacted regularly about donating prostheses to needy women.



  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    edited January 2016

    Hi Mandy,

    Lily DeSantis, is a beautiful lady who through her bra and prosthetic business lilyblisstoyou has had many old prosthesis and bras donated. She has made trips to Fiji to not only donate, but also fit the Fijian ladies with donated prosthesis. I sent mine to her last year. I believe this is an ongoing project of hers. There are details on her lilyblisstoyou page  

    Here is the link, Lilyblisstoyou

    Paula :)


  • Custard
    Custard Member Posts: 417
    edited January 2016

    Oh great, Paula, thanks!

    Mandy :-))