Thank you for my life

adean Member Posts: 1,036
edited December 2015 in Day to day

While we ate Xmas lunch today I sat back for a minute and thought does anyone here in my family know I think often I wonder if I will  be ok next year, it lingers for a minute and then someone said are you ok mum and I jolt back to reality and I bury that thought again. My eldest told me of for dancing in the kitchen and I flashed my undies. Mum your so immature I wonder who is the parent sometimes! But I didn't care ,I relished in the fact that I could celebrate another year ending bc free. Love to anyone who reads this be a devil and flash your undies! Xxxxx


  • rowdy
    rowdy Member Posts: 1,165
    edited December 2015

    You go girl and flash those undies, life is to live and enjoy because we don't know what is around the corner. Every Christmas, Easter and birthdays are a time to celebrate life. I have ended my day with my children and their partners I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

    And yes I did make a difference in my client and her familes life today, we had a laugh and I set her up fresh for a new day.Good dayxx

  • Cook65
    Cook65 Member Posts: 733
    edited December 2015

    You go girl!! Hope you had your sexy red lacy ones on! We endure some pretty real and serious issues that it's nice to be immature and silly sometimes. I love the fact that your eldest was embarrassed! Job well done hahaha! I'm sure many of us have those "I wonder if I will be here next year" moments. All the more reason to dance in the kitchens and show off your undies. Karen xox

  • Natalie carr
    Natalie carr Member Posts: 48
    edited December 2015

    Merry christmas

     I also had the same thought today,I made sure I absorbed every moment of today with all my family and some of my elder kids partners.

    i feel special in a way for still being here,and it's almost surreal that anything has keep flashing your undies and tomorrow you have inspired me to even flash mine ????haha.

    Lets all look forward to next Christmas and love every minute of the year ahead,no matter what obstacles may get in our way 

    Nat xx

  • NaturalBel
    NaturalBel Member Posts: 542
    edited December 2015

    Adean, if the moment arose I would flash my undies at my husband! I so get it love.  I did a similar thing for the same reason recently and because the person did not understand who I am, was very negative about it.

    I had not flashed any thing by the way!

     I was at work and stood infront of the busy area I work in of Pharmacy, and did a little dance and sang Jingle Bells with the words "Ho Ho Ho" in place of the words........the Pharmacist said in all seriousness "You had better be careful....some-one might take offense!"  The world we live in today hey!

    I can only imagine what it must be like to be a refugee and be displaced and lose every thing.  Different subject, but let's face it, if ya ain't walked in our shoes, how would ya know!  I also learnt about myself at the end of the day, if they aren't close to you, they won't care either......

    This is why the further we get from the event, the more we have an opportunity to forget as much as we can.  It helps!

    Love Bel xx

  • Kim R
    Kim R Member Posts: 146
    edited December 2015

    Ok in solidarity I will flash mine later! I am by myself at the moment so it would be a non event ??kim

  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    edited December 2015

    You go girlfriend.  Every day is a bonus... Who knows what the future holds for any of us and that is the reality  of this awful disease.  However we are here now so lets live in the moment... Flash those undies girls :)

    Paula xxxx

  • Louisadawdy
    Louisadawdy Member Posts: 33
    edited December 2015


    i am a very newbie to all this as I was only diagnosed on 9/12 but your post is the type I need to read. Those thoughts go through my mind often but I am afraid that if I listen to them it will make them more real. I will flash my knickers to my hubby today and think of the inspiration you have given me. Thank you 

  • adean
    adean Member Posts: 1,036
    edited December 2015

    Ha ha Louisa everyone will think oh it must be the breast cancer, we all try to find the humor sometimes when you have breast cancer you are allowed to crack jokes that only some of us understand. I'm sorry you've had to join us crazy lot but I'm so glad I helped you in some way. Adean xxx



  • Louisadawdy
    Louisadawdy Member Posts: 33
    edited December 2015

    Thanks Adene,

    lets keep the humour going alittle longer by someone out there explaining how to navigate this forum. Trying to re-post a message so everyone as well as Brisbane and Gold Coast groups can see and getting totally lost. Tracey62 explained how but still none the wiser. It's great reading everyone's journeys and experiences. Happy New Year wishes to everyone



  • Liz S
    Liz S Member Posts: 11
    edited December 2015

    Love it love it love it! Flash those undies, dance in the rain, do what ever you want. I cherished Christmas this year . 

  • Custard
    Custard Member Posts: 417
    edited December 2015

    Haha wonderful! Yes as we have heard those words" I am sorry but you hVe breast cancer" , life is not exams, we are not the same.

    We can get through treatment and all hopefully have many years ahead of us, but of course we wonder what the future holds.... And this gives us permission to embarrass our kids, big time! 

    Appreciate every day. Xx Mandy- diagnosed May 2014.


  • Custard
    Custard Member Posts: 417
    edited December 2015

    bravo Bel ... Miss you, xxxxx

  • Custard
    Custard Member Posts: 417
    edited December 2015

    Sorry for typos! Computer on the blink so using mini iPad lol. Should be "have breast cancer "and life" is not the same"....exams? Silly word editor. Xxxx

  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    edited December 2015

    Hi Loiusa,

    i thnk I can help. If you click on the pink post tab you will get a drop down list of all your groups you belong to. You then click where you want the post to appear. If you want the whole network to see them post to my blog. Hope this helps. Paula xxx