
Today is a reflective day as I ponder and remember my dear friend Marg. We both set out on this cancer journey, mine being breast and hers being lung. We kept each other company in the early hours of hospital stays when sleep was hard to come by; she in one hospital and me in another, via the email. Marg lost her battle on the 27th. Our lives had parallels; cancer and our volunteer work, looking after the administration of a Cemetery in our local areas. She was a passionate and caring Secretary of her Trust. Rest in peace.
Please take the time to enjoy the company of others and don't get too hung up some around us not understanding the journey we are all on.
Take care
Christine xx
Hi very sad news for you to have lost a friend, life can be so cruel we never know what is around the corner. Take time for yourself to grieve the loss of your friend sending you a hug xx
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Your friend was there for a special reason , it's nice you had each other when needed, loosing a friend is always hard it makes you reflect on life, it's luck of the draw isn't it. Take care adean
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Dear Christine,
what a gift Marg was to you, someone who understood and shared your experience. How lucky you are to have had her friendship. Perhaps you could find some special way to honour the brave and caring friend she was to you. I know no-one can take Margs special place in your heart, but know that we are here for you and we care,
love, Tracey ??
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Hi Christine
I am so sorry for the loss of your friend but glad you can celebrate the time you had together. There are some people who come in to our lives for such a short amount of time but nevertheless affect us in a deeply profound way. I am so happy that you had the opportunity to enjoy her company.
Take care of yourself.
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Thank you
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Thank you for all your kind thoughts. I'm better today; it is the fragility of life. Something I deal with regularly with my volunteer work.
Hot day expected here today as we see out the year.
Best wishes to all and stay safe as the temperature rises.
Christine xx
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Hello Christine
I echo what the other ladies have said, people come and go in our lives for various reasons. It is the time together and lasting memories that are important.
I am reflecting on the lives of three dear friends who have passed but never knew of my BC. One I met in the 90s when she had just completed chemo but she was unlucky in that the BC returned. Another suffered bowel cancer trying to remain looking 'young'. My darling friend had had a kidney transplant many years ago and suffered lots of complications from the anti-rejection drugs then passed away during surgery. They were all dear to me.
I think of them often throughout the year but have one huge cry at this time of the year !
May your friend rest in peace. You can treasure your memories of her.
Hugs Summer :-)
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Hi Christine,
Your message is perfect as we reflect on the year behind us and the year ahead.
I too lost my best friend, bridesmaid and beautiful soul in September. She lost her battle with intestinal cancer at 51. The irony of it all was that I was sitting with her for chemotherapy each fortnight or so and then bang! I was also diagnosed but with BC.
It somehow made it tougher for me, as my prognosis was better than hers, she passed away on the week I couldn't get out of bed after chemo, I couldn't say goodbye.
Sometimes I felt guilty and it was difficult to talk about our different experiences because cancer is different for everyone.
But I'm glad you could share so much with someone and she obviously made a big impact in your life.
All the best and we will carry our friends in our hearts to the end of our days.
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Many of us are thinking of you Christine. This is a tragic set of circumstances but to remember your friend Marg is to NOT lose her inspiring personality. This B disease is so cruel.
Your final sentence is full of wisdom- we are mere mortals and this journey called life is beyond our brains. I hope one day we will get answers but in the meantime, cry, laugh, remember and live.