Something lighthearted......

Bbryce Member Posts: 38
edited September 2016 in Day to day

Don't think I'm insane........  but a week after my mastectomy, I was first asked what size bra I took, to which I said "oh about a 12CC maybe, just maybe even up to a 14?  With the air of a conjuror, I was handed a "boob insert" as the breast care coordinator called it.  I was kind of flummoxed.  It was HUGE!  I was told to pick out the dacron filling to suit myself and sent home.  

Dear Lord, it was huge.  Too big for any bra (even sports bras!) and if I took more than two steps it shot out of the bra and whatever top I was wearing.  Then I remembered a lady I had talked to a few weeks earlier before the surgery, and how she had laughingly said that 100 years ago women would cut a sock up and fill it up with bird seed!  

I am now the proud owner of approximately 6 "boob inserts" filled with budgie seed!  Guess what?  I'm depressed to say you can barely tell the difference - they both sag exactly the same!!  hahahaha I'm so happy with them, I doubt I will bother with anything else now.  It is totally tailored to how I want it, it's not heavy, and it's a great way to amuse yourself (if not in a public place) by shaping and reshaping it lol  

Hope this makes a few smile  :))

Barb - Brisbane



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  • Tracey62
    Tracey62 Member Posts: 298
    edited January 2016

    Oh Barb, what a scream ?? I guess you'll have to be careful come magpie season!!  All the best, Tracey ??

  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    edited January 2016

    Hello Barb

    Congratulations on still having a sense of humour - and a practical mind (and hand) to go with it.

    I am glad I am not the only one with an 'unusual' sense of humour.  I do think it makes us happy to be able to make fun of an otherwise tense time in our lives.

    Must go and raid the bird seed packet ....

    Hugs  Summer  :-)

  • Bbryce
    Bbryce Member Posts: 38
    edited January 2016

    lol Tracey, I have a cockatiel and so far he's not remotely interested.  And the magpies LOVE me around here - I chop grasshoppers in half and toss them to the maggies - I usually have a faithful flock following me when I even walk up the road LOL  

  • Bbryce
    Bbryce Member Posts: 38
    edited January 2016

    LOL Summer, I try always to have a sense of humour - tho that has been tested the past couple of days with the chemo really knocking me sideways. ugh.  I turned into my Father whilst waiting to go into theatre - and told the most dreadful jokes.  When I woke up it was to find myself in a ward with 3 men (!!) Nothing personal to any gentleman if they read this - but geeeeeeeeeez louise I hate sharing a ward with men.  The sound effects they manage to squeeze out through all of their orifices is not pleasant!  But I must admit ours wasn't a quiet ward - and the staff seemed to gravitate to us as well and there was lots and lots of laughter.  Made the two days in hospital go incredibly fast.  

    *Hugs* back Summer .... (and no groping my bird seed!)  lol

  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    edited January 2016

    Certainly made me laugh. I'd  need to fill a santa hat to get the right effect...I'm  hoping to trade up with my mastectomy.

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