2016 here we come

Chorsell Member Posts: 462
edited September 2016 in Day to day

Hi all

I hope you have all had a wonderful festive season and are sharing the positive memories of the last year.  It can be hard sometimes find in the positives along the way as we deal with diagnosis and treatment, however we are not alone and each step we take is one step closer to our destination.

For me my final surgery was on the 10th Dec 2015 so I am looking forward to new beginnings and starting the new year knowing that the treatment phase is behind me and keeping focused on looking to creating a positive future.

We will all have challenges and hurdles to overcome, and I hope for all of you that you can face them with courage knowing that there is a mountain of support on this site and many people who have faced the same challenges ready to listen, offer support and advice or to simply send a hug of encouragement when you are struggling.

I wish you all the best for the coming year.

Big hugs to you all





  • adean
    adean Member Posts: 1,036
    edited December 2015

    Big hug to you also chris we all hope for positives for 2016 , and your so right thank goodness we can be part of this site where we can vent and know someone is feeling exactly the same. Adean xx

  • rowdy
    rowdy Member Posts: 1,165
    edited December 2015

    Hi Chris hope you have had a lovely christmas. 2016 is just around the corner how time flies, I'm heading to 2 years since being diagnosed and heading towards my second mamogram, we all need to look to the future and try and be positive as we are still here. Sending you a hug and wishing you a happy and healthy new yearxx

  • Arleene
    Arleene Member Posts: 238
    edited December 2015

    Hi Chris,

    I hope you had a lovely Christmas, I had a nice quiet Christmas and I am looking forward to healthy and happy 2016, I finish my Chemo on the 11th of January and beyond that there's only smooth sailing from here, I'm making plans on doing a lot of fundraising for BCNA and the Cancer Council next year as I have a 9 year old and I am very much involved at her school. I do volunteer work with the children, I'm Vice Chairperson and I have an excellent reputation with the school and they really helped me through last year and looked after my daughter very well and I want the school to help me give back to cancer research, look out 2016 I'm on a mission, I have plans I want to set into motion soon and I'm really looking forward to my daughter's birthday party in Febuary it's going to be a special one you only turn 10 once and it's between Chemo and Radiation awesome, sorry if I'm going on a bit but you have inspired me as the Chemo is starting to get me down I'm very emotional right now but my little girl needs me and through this experience my husband and daughter have been my inspirations along with some family and my very close friends one of them I speak to regularly from here this online network is the best and my next door neighbour has been amazing her daughter in law went through it so she understands, my wedding anniversary is on the 10th of January definatly celebrating that day, I hope to talk to you soon sending a big cuddle and a smile and a happy and healthy and safe 2016 to you and your family.


  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,321
    edited December 2015

    Hiya Chris,

    So,great you are all done. Woop Woop. Yes we all face challenges through our treatment and beyond. This site is such a great place to come to for support. I have met some lovely ladies along the way, yourself includes. That's one of the great positives for me that has come out of this dreaded disease. 

    Bigh hugs my friend. 

    Paula xxxxx

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Orbost, VictoriaPosts: 0
    edited December 2015

    Hi Chris, wishing you a positive and awesome 2016, hoping that we can all continue to move forward into the new normal. Sending you a big cuddle, Trace ????????

  • Jennybutter
    Jennybutter Member Posts: 156
    edited December 2015

    Hi Chris,

    So good you have finished your treatments and I wish you all the very best for 2016 hope it is a fabulous year for you.

    For some reason the treatments seem to be a little more challenging at this time of year, I think we all get a little fatigued cause all we seem to do is go to appointments. I am lucky I get to spend New Years with friends and family next chemo 4th Jan, looking forward to having everyone over tomorrow night having a few laughs and a couple of beers even.

    This network is so amazing, so many lovely people that understand it is a great comfort that is for sure. 

    All the very best to you Chris and to everyone for a positive future.

    Cheers Jen ?? ?? ?? xx