A slap to the heart
OK here goes..... I am the eldest of four.My family has been estranged for a number of years, practically all my life.....My Mum and Dad divorced when I was 14 but she lived in my room for 6 months before she moved out......NOT fun! I got married without my father walking me down the isle and when my mother actually got to…
Team winning
Holy crap ladies I am truly humbled and blown away at the same time.! Thank you everyone for your kind words and support. Damn right, we re not going to let this malkie ( that s the name i gave this parasite) take away my humour or any more bloody dignity than it already has! The only one that should stressed is Malkie who…
made up my mind
Thanks to all. I have decided to ignore my sisters and go with the advice of my surgeon. I am so glad this site is available. Going to meet with the local support group next week so that should give me a boost too.
Perfect Breast Again
Hello everyone Today is the 1 year anniversary of my Mastectomy. I would like to thank Julie Brand and her husband for creating Perfect Again Breast forms. I don't want to think how much money I have spent in the past year on ill fitting Breast form and even more ill fitting bras. Finally I have found PERFECTION and am so…
Things i need
So its day 7 post round 2.After another day of analysis by those nearest and dearest I have awoken with an epiphany. So my other half keep's saying "oh you re bottling it up. You re stressed.you need to talk to someone" since the second we discovered this pain in the ass. This happens about 3-4 times a day. (Have you ever…
Thought for the week
Just thinking about it today about what a remarkable lot you all are. First of all, you have your life interrupted by that diagnosis, then we all have to go through whatever processes and treatments that need to happen, then we counsel our friends and families, trying to get all of this clear in our minds so that we can…
Well-meaning help
My well-meaning mum went shopping for me last night after she brought me home, and bought me a 3 litre-milk which triggered an emotional tirade from me. Nothing that can't be fixed of course, I just REALLY need to feel like I can do some simple things for myself while I'm home alone during the day. My well-meaning mum is a…
This weeks inspiration
Made it all the way!
Hi everyone, Some of you may have been aware of my challenge to raise money for the Cancer Council - The Ultimate Journey for a Cure. Trekking to the Base Camp of Mt Everest. Just a quick update to say I made it all the way alongside my wonderful hubby. In the end it has been an even more challenging journey as the leader…
Back to work
Hi all tommorow I will return to work. After retiring for 6 months I was hounded by a former employer to get back to it,lol. So I've succumbed and will start with 2 days, so no more sleep in till 10 or not getting dressed I have got into that rut. Fortunately this lovely employer was around when I had bc and has now…
Surf at Cape Conran
Hi Everyone, this painting is based on a photo of the beach near my home. Hope you like it xx
Hi Everyone, happy Mother's Day to all the mums, step mums, adoptive mums and fur mums out there. Well, surprisingly the last two days have been a mix of ups and downs. I finished treatment 10 months ago and it's just been 2 years since my diagnosis. Yesterday I made a complete fool of myself. It surprised me and confused…
Delta Goodrem inspirational
Delta didn't quite have breast cancer but she has had a nasty one around her throat which she survived. I just love her new song Dear Life especially when she sings I'm a survivor. Very inspirational. You tube link- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wPnGY5PlZY Deltas story link - http://home.earthlink.net/~deepdelta/aww.htm
Happy Mothers Day
Happy Mother's Day
To all our mum's out there we hope you get spoilt today xxx