Catherine britt

mona63 Member Posts: 237
edited March 2016 in Day to day

hi there there is a great article in yesterday's Sunday style magazine and it's about Catherine Britt who is an Australian artist with a beautiful voice and she talks about having breast cancer. What I really like about it is that in telling her story she gives some education too.  For example she talks about having 2.3 cm tumour and stage two with triple negative. She details that she had lumpectomy and 'I don't have Brea gene so I didn't need a hysterectomy or mastectomy...told that chances of ..cancer coming back..went down to 15 per cent with chemotherapy and radiation."   Bit of a bug bear with some articles that feature only a group of women with masectomies and chemo or a famous person who doesn't give you the details but wants to "inspire or educate" women to have mascetomies and chemo like they did : this article is a well balanced read and I'm sure people can relate to the awful waiting part among other things. also great as she is young : can't remember reading a media article that gets into this level of detail and takes you through the decision process.  The article says she is doing some concerts F U Cancer next month.  Something in the article to appeal to most!


  • ScorpionQueen
    ScorpionQueen Member Posts: 768
    edited March 2016

    I do wanted to go to her concert here in Sydney, but it's too soon after my chemo ?? 

    awesome song too! Awesome artist 


  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    edited March 2016

    Hi Mona - thanks for posting this.  It is a good read, honest!

    Wishing you well with your treatment, take care

    Christine xx