Happy Easter

Good morning everyone
I just wanted to wish you all a lovely Easter doing what makes you happy with the people that you love. For those of you who are not feeling so fantastic today, we are here, tomorrow is another day and life will soon be good again.
Karen xox
Hi Karen,
I hope you have a lovely Easter, I plan to enjoy the rest of my Easter with my family, I have finished all active treatment now and as a precaution I had my ovaries and tubes removed so I am recovering from that and I am now on Exemestane yeah I made it, I did the Easter Egg Hunt with my daughter this morning which is a tradition and as we live in Darwin it has to be done inside and I leave a trail of cotton balls, she loved it and the easter bunny came to her dad and her grandma, so far it's been a fun easter sunday have a great Easter to you and your family.
Take Care
Anita xx
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Happy Easter back at you. My Easter consists of sitting around feeling miserable as I have a blocked nose and feel lousy. On the positive I was up early this morning and made green tomato pickles, looks good at least I have done something today.
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Happy Easter. We hadn't done any shopping before Easter so we snuck in today while the shops are quiet and did a Coles shop. The bakery was open out the front and she was selling big bags of iced donuts for $5 stuffed full. We bought a couple for Easter. Well its bordering on healthy food. Better than chocolate easter eggs, but she had put a couple of those in the bags as well!
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Happy Easter. I am still in hospital recovering from Tuesday's right breast mastectomy and reconstruction and left breast reduction to match. Epworth Eastern in Melbourne added an Easter card and a little cellophane bag of small Easter eggs to every breakfast tray and the food delivery staff wore bunny ears. It was a lovely gesture.
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Wow that was nice of them to do that. Hope you're comfortable and taking it easy.
My Mastectomy was at Epworth East Melb and the staff were very caring.
Take care
Christine xx
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Happy Easter Karen, I hope you are having a lovely weekend xx
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Congratulations on the finishing your treatment Anita. Sounds like you've had a lovely Easter with your girl. Xox
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Oh no Rowdy, what a shame you are feeling yuk. Put some chilli in those green tomato pickles and knock that blocked nose for a six! Hope you feel better soon xox
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Oooh Brenda. Donuts and chocolate!!!! I'd be in heaven. Yum xox
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Hi Georgina, I hope you are resting up and feeling ok. That was a lovely thing for the staff to do. I have had dealings with Epworth in the past and we always found the staff to be very caring. I hope you are home soon. Xox
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Thanks Ann-Marie,
it has been a lovely Easter although very quiet. Xox
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Happy Easter to you too, Karen. Deanne xxx
PS. I must have jinxed myself after sprouting on about not having had as much as a cold since treatment ended! Just getting over one now!! A bit of chocolate seems to be helping me recover quickly ??.
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I hope you have all had a lovely Easter weekend xx
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Chocolate fixes everything