10 years on from diagnosis
It’s been such a long time since I’ve been on this chat and tonight I’m wanting to celebrate a milestone for me and give others hope- chemotherapy is definitely a great part of why I’m still here 10 years down the track from my diagnosis of stage 3 breast cancer but it takes away so much too. I was shattered to lose my…
Weird taste during radtiotherapy
So, I have had 2 radiotherapy treatments on my left breast so far. I sense a weird taste in my mouth during the treatment. Can this happen or is it my anxiety playing tricks on me?
Ready to kick cancers butt!
I was recently diagnosed. I went for my first ever mammogram back in March. I received a call back as they found some dense tissue. Another mammogram, an ultrasound and a biopsy followed. I honestly never thought I would be a statistic, but here we are. I am going in for my surgery tomorrow. Feeling a little nervous but as…
First Paclitaxel
Hello Folks! I have my first chemo this Wednesday and I am so in my head about it. What was your first infusion of Paclitaxel like both physically, environmentally and mentally? I know we are all different but gathering information is calming for me.
Arimidex (Anastrozole) - Sleeping better!
Moderator moved @swerks comment to new discussion post in Newly Diagnosed: swerks Member Posts: 1 ✭May 1 My Oncologist put me on Arimidex (Anastrozole). I too was super anxious and scared, especially with the 4 page side effects handout that came with the script. 8 months later, nothing! And added bonus, I’m sleeping so…
Just starting chemo stage
I would like to join the discussion. A little about myself, I am now 64yo. I was diagnosed with mixed invasive ductal & lobular Stage 3A breast cancer. Positive to both oestrogen and progesterone. This was picked up in a routine mammogram in November 2023. I had missed my scheduled date to book in by 2 months, so I…
Peter Mac Radiotherapy Experience
I would like to know if anyone has had radiotherapy at Peter Mac and what their experience was. Did you have the tattoo less treatment?
Cold Sores and Chemo
Hello Folks, I'm wondering how people who are prone to cold sores have fared during chemo. I start chemo next week and have problems with cold sores when I'm stressed. Chemo is guaranteed to be a stressor so can anyone tell me how they dealt with them? In the past if I got a bad run of them I'd take Famciclovir but not…
I found a lump in my right breast and thought it was just a cyst. Off to the doctor and the blighter was gone but she sent me off for Mammogram and Ultrasound, just to be sure. I was called back the next day for a FNB and was told when I was laying on the bed 'your journey has begun". To say I was shocked is an…
My journey starts today.
I am so glad I found this group today and already reading everyone's stories gives me so much comfort I have somewhere to go when lonely. I find online chats good for me and maybe I might make some new friends to talk to and do things with. I live in postcode 3201 Melbourne. Nights already hard when partner is sleeping. I…
Sharp pain in breast
I'm 2 years since BC just had Radiation therapy and on hormone tablet been doing well. But for the last 2 months getting a sharp pain in my bad boob usually wheni turn to wipe my behind. Do others get pain still in breast 2 years down the track??
Zoladex covered by PBS?
This Wednesday I will be seeing a new oncologist for a second opinion. My initial oncologist recommended Zoladex and Aromasin as part of my hormone treatment. Im researching all I can before my appointment this Wednesday, is there guidelines or restrictions on the PBS cover for these drugs? I have "Googled" as much as I…
How to find a good medical team? (Brisbane / Gold Coast)
hi all - my partner has just been diagnosed with BC, it's very early days and we don't have a lot of information yet, but are wondering what to do about finding a good Dr (and possibly surgeon if it comes to that). We live in regional SE Qld, and my partner will most likely be seeking treatment in Brisbane or the Gold…
Newly diagnosed with triple negative.
Hi everyone, Wish I wasn't here but glad I'm not alone. I'm 49yo and diagnosed yesterday with triple negative invasive ductal cancer with lymph node involvement. I had positive biopsies last week but got the full breakdown when I met with my surgeon yesterday. I had all my scans this afternoon and now I wait I guess until…
Questions for the Doc
What a whirlwind! Recently diagnosed ILC and have an appt today to find out treatment plan. Any recommendations for great questions I should ask the Doc?