Questions for the Doc

Mrs_Katie_06 Member Posts: 6
What a whirlwind! Recently diagnosed ILC and have an appt today to find out treatment plan. Any recommendations for great questions I should ask the Doc?


  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,514
    Sorry you are going through this. I think the best questions are probably the ones you come up with. For me I wanted to know what the treatment was going to achieve and the potential side effects were. I wanted to know what I could do to prepare for treatment and how best to manage myself in the process. 

     Take someone with you to the appointment as sometimes as they may think of questions to ask as the conversation unfolds.

     Also after the appointment you may reflect and then have more questions. So check it's ok to phone back if you think of other questions or if you have a breast care nurse ask them to help with those questions.

    Best wishes to you 
  • Mrs_Katie_06
    Mrs_Katie_06 Member Posts: 6
    Thankyou for your reply 💕 I really like your advice to ask about how I can manage myself - it does feel important to be aware that while the professionals can make arrangements for my specific treatment, I can create a care plan too. Love that, thankyou 🙏
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,270
    SO sorry to see you here @Mrs_Katie_06 .... and glad you've found us xx

    ILC is different from 'other' types of Breast Cancer as it doesn't 'present' as a tumour as such - as it is more 'thread-like' and is usually more difficult to detect on Mammograms & ultrasound.

    Check out the My Journey 'kit' here - There should be some docs on everything, including questions xx

    Consider recording your appointments too - to go back over later on, if you'd like xx

    Feel free to join the private ILC group here (click on the Join Link & on Monday one of the Mods will add you.)  We add links to new data/info re ILC as we find them.

    Also, jump onto this thread & check out the different areas on the forum, with 'tick sheets' down the bottom to 'self assess' how you are going physically and mentally xx

    Take care & all the best

  • Mrs_Katie_06
    Mrs_Katie_06 Member Posts: 6
    Thanks so much Arpie for your super helpful response 🫶🏼 I will jump on the forums and love the link to the checklist 👍