Just starting chemo stage

BernieWal Member Posts: 2

I would like to join the discussion. A little about myself, I am now 64yo. I was diagnosed with mixed invasive ductal & lobular Stage 3A breast cancer. Positive to both oestrogen and progesterone. 

This was picked up in a routine mammogram in November 2023. I had missed my scheduled date to book in by 2 months, so I received a call from breast screen and I booked in right away. 

I was recalled due to abnormalities. I had a biopsy of a lump in my right breast and axillary lymph node. 

I received the diagnosis on 19 December just in time for Christmas 😞

I had breast conserving surgery on 13 February 2024 and removal of 17 axillary lymph nodes. 4 of the lymph nodes had tested positive and the margins were now deemed clear. 

However I had to return to surgery for a re-excision of the breast lump as some of the margins were still not clear. 

Second surgery was on 2 April 2024

I started chemo yesterday on 17 May 24. All went well, I had no severe reaction and the worst of what I felt on day 1 was a slight dull headache coming on so I took some Panadol during the afternoon and night. 

This diagnosis has come as somewhat of a shock as I am very active and very healthy. I’m not on any medication and I regularly run and walk. I’m quite a few kilos heavier than I was in my early running days of 30-40yo. I have relaxed my standards of demands on myself in some areas of health in that I don’t mind indulging in a drink or two and enjoy the odd cake or chocolate. Otherwise I eat well. 

I remind myself regularly of these wonderful lines in the poem Desiderata. So apt for my age, stage and this page! 

“Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings.”

I have started another thread today called “Running on chemo”. 

If you are a fellow runner and on chemo please read this a I’d love to hear how you are managing to keep active through this next stage of treatment. 


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    edited May 18
    Welcome to the blog @BernieWal - sorry to see you join our select little group.  :(  I was your age when diagnosed!

    Ask away any questions & we'll do our best to answer them ...  well done on your surgery & wishing you all the best with your chemo.  (I dodged that bullet, with lumpectomy, clear margins,  not in the nodes) and then 4 weeks radiation & now hormone tablets.

    Wishing you all the best - definitely, keep up your running/exercising, but also listen to your body too, as the chemo may knock you around a bit.  (Have a think about 'running in the pool' if you may not be able to hit the roads!  ;) ) It is kinder on your body. ;) 

    Take care