Cold Sores and Chemo

MillyMollyMulberry Member Posts: 7
Hello Folks,
I'm wondering how people who are prone to cold sores have fared during chemo. I start chemo next week and have problems with cold sores when I'm stressed. Chemo is guaranteed to be a stressor so can anyone tell me how they dealt with them? In the past if I got a bad run of them I'd take Famciclovir but not sure if that will be contraindicated. Lysine in conjunction with vitamin C has helped so I would assume I could continue with that? Any and all experience stories appreciated.


  • Katie46
    Katie46 Member Posts: 194
    Hi @MillyMollyMulberry, I don't suffer from cold sores, but I did get very bad mouth ulcers which they thought might have been caused by the herpies virus and they gave me Famvir, so that might be an option if it gets bad.
  • Mareealso
    Mareealso Member Posts: 38
    Hi MillyMollyMulberry,  I get cold sores normally and got them during chemo. I found that continuous use of cold sore cream almost as a daily lip balm, minimised side effects. I still got them but the cream helped to prevent cracking and the duration of the cold sore was shortened. I would continue wth your normal cold sore treatment routine but do check with your dr.
  • Locksley
    Locksley Member Posts: 969
    @MillyMollyMulberry I too suffer cold sores regularly.   I think I got 3 during the whole time of chemo and radiation.    I kept taking lysine while I was having treatment.   I used cold sore cream and I tried to use lip balm daily.  Some of them the smell was hard to tolerate.    Being a little immune compromised the cold sores did take a little longer to get rid of.   I am sure it was the stress of everything.  Being prepared is excellent.