10 years on from diagnosis

Andir Member Posts: 39
It’s been such a long time since I’ve been on this chat and tonight I’m wanting to celebrate a milestone for me and give others hope- chemotherapy is definitely a great part of why I’m still here 10 years down the track from my diagnosis of stage 3 breast cancer but it takes away so much too. I was shattered to lose my hair but when I lost my eyebrows and eyelashes I was mortified. Thankfully hair and eyelashes grow back, eyebrows too but not the same. Today I put my trust in an amazing process and an incredible lady and I got my eyebrows tattooed- for me this was a big thing and my final F U Cancer moment!!! So if anyone is feeling the same as I did after recovering from the ravages of chemo and you’re wanting to take back your confidence I highly recommend this!!! For those of you currently undergoing treatment there is hope and life after cancer treatment and I wish everyone all the best. If you’re in Adelaide consider reaching out to: the brow ink by Sarah 🥰 


  • GinGin
    GinGin Member Posts: 154
    Thank you for sharing, @Andir! Your message has certainly provided hope to someone like me (I am stage 3, grade 3). Had surgery, horrible chemo and then radiation.  Was diagnosed in July 2023. Wishing you many more good years ahead😘😘😘
  • Tri
    Tri Member Posts: 146
    Thanks for sharing this good story @andir I have just finished my treatment and admit to wondering about the eyebrow tattoos ! 
  • GorgyS
    GorgyS Member Posts: 135
    Thank you, Andir, for sharing your positive story. Although we do not know what the future holds for us, your story gave me hope. I never thought about an eyebrow tattoo, but you have made me think about that after my treatment finishes. I wish you all the best, good health and long life. <3 I am very grateful to all the women on this network who stay to support others after they complete their treatments. I am stage 3, and I did not care much about losing my hair until it started coming back two weeks ago while still on taxol. It looks like white snow on my head. I love it as I have embraced grey/white hair since COVID lockdown. 
  • Katie46
    Katie46 Member Posts: 194
    A great milestone to reach @Andir, its always good to hear. My eyebrows and eyelashes disappeared after about 5 rounds of paclitaxel, having hung on in there for almost 3 months of chemo i thought I was going to be lucky and keep them, hopefully they'll be back soon. @GorgyS I'm looking forward to getting hair again, and wonder how it will grow back, it was brown with a bit of a wave with only a few grey hairs, so it will be interesting to see if it comes back grey. 
  • nicmaree
    nicmaree Member Posts: 30
    @Andir I'm so glad you shared your milestone story. I loved reading it and you are fabulous! Wishing you mountains of happiness. x 
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,067
    Dear @Andir,
    Congratulations! Thanks for sharing your good news. I a am seven years down the track and my eyebrows, which had been like wriggly caterpillars, are still practically non-existent!
    Best wishes from jennyss in Western NSW
  • nicmaree
    nicmaree Member Posts: 30
    @Andir I'm so glad you shared your story. Its great to read and give so much hope and a such a fabulous milestone. <3
  • nicmaree
    nicmaree Member Posts: 30
    @Andir I'm so glad you shared your milestone story. I loved reading it and you are fabulous! Wishing you mountains of happiness. x