Sharp pain in breast

Pommy8 Member Posts: 135
I'm 2 years since BC just had Radiation therapy and on hormone tablet been doing well.
But for the last 2 months getting a sharp pain in my bad boob usually wheni turn to wipe my behind. 
Do others get pain still in breast 2 years down the track??


  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,460
    It’s often scar tissue, you didn’t mention surgery. Anything odd, get it checked. No-one will think it strange, it’s the rational thing to do. Soonest done, soonest off your mind.

  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 930
    As Afraser said get it checked out for peace of mind. If they are decent enough specialists the will look into it. 
  • Mahjah
    Mahjah Member Posts: 13
    I just had my good breast checked because I had breast pain that went quite deep. They're keeping an eye on two cysts that they had out markers on. It turned out no change. No one will think you're being over sensitive. It's the wise thing to do. Good luck. 
  • Pommy8
    Pommy8 Member Posts: 135
    Yes I had small lump and dcis removed 2 years ago and 2 lymph nodes.
    Just been to see oncologist dosnt thunk pain to worry about as not a bad as it was only and it's not all the time.
    But found a nodule small same area as cancer so now needing ultrasound maybe biopsy if they are concerned. 
  • Pommy8
    Pommy8 Member Posts: 135
    Had ultrasound he said they can't find anything so I'm not sure what the oncologist felt.
    Still not results from her yet so still on edge as I always worry thry are not telling you the truth.
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Pain when turning like that 😏 could just be the scar tissue pulling.  Mine attached itself to the chest wall so I get that happen when doing over-stretching.
    They will tell you the truth !  Not in their best interest to lie to you anyway.  Also, do remember that they do get paid for any treatments so they will be happy to get their next holiday paid for 😏😏
  • Pommy8
    Pommy8 Member Posts: 135
    Thanks even after 2 years since operation?
    Lol holiday paid for.
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Yes, I am heading for 10 years since the surgery.