Mets to Omentum and bones
Hi everyone, today I was given my Stage IV diagnosis after a biopsy revealed mets to the Omentum and bones. I fluctuate between crying , being angry, being sad and more crying . I hope to be in a better head space in a few days time when I've stopped wallowing in self pity. I was initially diagnosed with ILC in 2009 and…
oral surgeon
hi, anyone else living with metastatic breast cancer that has had to have dental work? no dentist will touch me and the thought of $$$$ for an oral surgeon scares me. anyone else had to have a tooth extracted and can refer? ta Kate
Anxiety over secondary breast cancer
Hello everyone I am hoping for some sort of advice/reassurance as since my post-op consultation with the surgeon I have been in a complete state of anxiety and going through some real funky moods. Have been on anti anxiety meds for 10+ years so I may need to increase my dosage but before the cancer diagnosis it was very…
Making a Choice
I posted on 2nd August about my metastatic cancer. I was trying to decide whether to have more chemo. It was wonderful how replies from our members made me more positive and helped me think things through. I went to the oncologists positive I wouldn't do invasive treatment. My doctor was wonderful and told me it was my…
Hi everyone my name is Marcela I am 44 years old and was diagnosed last year October the 1st with Her2 positive metastatic BC. The cancer has spread to my liver and bones (spine, pelvis and some on my ribs). This was my initial diagnosis. So as you all know just getting a diagnosis of BC is traumatising enough but to be…
Hi, Today I started on Xeloda and am worried about side effects. Earlier this year I found I had more metastes in my hip and collar bone. The Oncologist put me on Everolimus and I was unable to tolerate it. I ended up in hospital for 10 days. I would love to hear from other people who are on Xeloda.
Newbie to this site
Hi everyone my name is Marcela I am 44 years old and was diagnosed last year October the 1st with Her2 positive metastatic BC. The cancer has spread to my liver and bones (spine, pelvis and some on my ribs). This was my initial diagnosis. So as you all know just getting a diagnosis of BC is traumatising enough but to be…
Advocacy for MBC is vital
I am a 59 year old male breast cancer survivor who was originally diagnosed in 2010 and underwent mastectomy, chemotherapy, and radiation. In 2014 I was subsequently diagnosed with secondary breast cancer with lung and bone mets. Feeling really well and passionate about continuing to build our MBC profile and voice within…
Hi, my name is Barbara I was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2013 thought all was good and have now been diagnosed with secondary BC in lung. Feeling lost...
Hi, I got diagnosed with Secondary breast cancer in my lungs 6 weeks ago (20 April ) After going through breast cancer in 2014 which resulted in a mastectomy and 12 months of chemo....then got hit with the news that it has spread to my lungs.... since then I have had my port put back in and two chemo sessions. I am feeling…
Hope & Hurdles review and update
Hi everyone, I just wanted to let you know about the review that we are currently conducting of Hope & Hurdles -- our key resource for secondary breast cancer. Most important to this review is feedback from those of you have received the second edition (after January 2013). Some of you will have already received an…
Liver lesions
Hi All I am aware my questions about this need to be directed to my medical team but thought I would also throw it out here as well. I am not sure if anyone else has had the experience where during a staging CT scan they found a lesion on the liver. I was diagnosed early in March 2016 and because they found cancer in 1…
Developing secondary breast cancer information resources for Greek and Chinese women
Do you know someone with secondary (advanced) breast cancer? Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) plans to develop resources translated in Greek and Chinese for women and their families affected by secondary breast cancer. To ensure the information is relevant and culturally appropriate, BCNA is conducting focus groups…
It is bad enough trying to cope with diagnosis, feeling unwell, only having limited capacity to walk and still maintain some kind of family life, but I would just like a doctor in my court fighting for my wellbeing. First it was the public/private division. I was channeled into private last time before I knew that it…
Chemo over - where's the party feeling??
Morning All Just putting my feelings/observations into words to people that will understand. I had my last chemo last week.....everyone around me wanted to celebrate, have a party etc - "well now it's over". I was surprised that while I felt relief that part is done, there is still so much more ahead and probably feel less…