Seconday Breast Cancer Telephone support
Hi everyone, I didn't want you to miss out on this. We have just launched our pilot telephone support counselling service for men and women diagnosed with secondary breast cancer, their families and friends. This is one way we are responding to the findings of our research report which explored the needs and experiences of…
BCNA’s secondary breast cancer survey report
Hello all, This morning, Australia’s Minister for Health, the Hon. Sussan Ley, launched our new research report, The support and information needs of women with secondary breast cancer, which explores the needs, challenges and experiences of women living with secondary breast cancer. The report presents findings from…
The new normal
This is my first post. My name is Heli. I was diagnosed with metastatic disease 4 years ago and have been living very well until earlier this year. I started chemotherapy in June, had major side effects and stopped the treatment but am still very unwell 3 months on. The Drs describe my condition as extreme fatigue, I was…
Confused re mammograms
Hi there, I have been reading comments from people with abc who have had new primary cancers found during mammograms. My concern is that the oncologist said that as I now have secondary cancer there was no point in having any more mammograms (had been having them annually since first diagnosis in 2003). Is this a sign that…
3 Times is enough
2003 - found a lump in my right breast - lumpectomy and radiation. Follow up with arimedex. 2010-recurrence in right breast -mastectomy and lymph node removal although all clear-follow up Femara. Thought ok all will be well Annual check up with surgeon and 6 monthly check up with oncologist. 2014- mammogram suspicious left…
Why do some breast cancers come back?
Recently, several EMPathy Breast Cancer Network researchers collaborated to produce an article that was published by 'The Conversation'. The article is entitled, 'Explainer: why do some breast cancers come back?' The article link is below, and as the BCNA Consumer Representative for the EMPathy BCN I'd be interested in…
advanced breast cancer - could have been caught early
Hello I was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer to the liver and hip (non weight baring on right leg) in April. I am ER/PR+ HER2 + and was given a prognosis of 2 years to live. I have two kids aged 11 and 13. Three years ago I had a mamogram and ultrasound which shows that there was a tumour in the same location as the…
Sad Day
Hi There Ladies, its been a very long time since I have posted, I even stopped visiting the site as I find it difficult to navigate my way around. When I was going through my treatment I joined a support group through this network, we meet for lunch about once a month and are there supporting each other as best we can. I…
2015 Federal Budget
Hello everyone, You may have seen our news item about the 2015 Federal Budget, but in case you haven’t, you can find our response to the Federal Budget in the News section of the website. Our response provides details about a range of announcements and initiatives, including the Government’s announcements that: * Both…
"Bubble of Disbelief"
The ‘bubble of disbelief’ is what I ask my supporters to burst and say ‘tricked ya’ when they ask ‘what can I do to help’. Breast cancer diagnosed just after my 60th birthday in 2012. Right mastectomy and just one chemo treatment which caused complications and I nearly lost my life. As a result, I didn’t proceed with the…
Advanced Breast Cancer support
BreaCan (Victoria) has a peer support group called 'Making Connections' for people experiencing advanced breast & gynaecological cancer. As groups for people with advanced breast cancer are few and far between, I hope this will be of use to some people. Peer support is offered via Skye. Check out http:// breacan.org.au…
Secondary to Liver
Hi there, I have breast cancer which has now gone to my liver. I had it under control but my last CT showed the tumours have all grown back and quite large. I have been put on Everolimus and Exemestane (probably not spelt properly) but can't up my dose as I keep getting mouth ulcers. This is the last tablet they have for…
Brain tumour
Hello Pink family, Feb 10th I'm having brain surgery. Shit scared but will of course pitch up. They wanted it next week but one of my daughters is getting married on 31 Jan which is pretty special, then honeymoon and granddaughter needs to be with me. I feel lucky dates are fitting in. The larger it grows the better to…
Here I go again
Today i have been told that i have secondary breast cancer in my spine. So here we go again. I was first diagnosed with primary breast cancer in April 2012, after several months that included 3 surguries, 9 lots of chemo and 10 weeks of radiation, I was left with some side effects that I may not be happy with but learning…
Dealing with secondary TNBC
Hi there My name is Jenny. I'm 36 and have just been diagnosed with secondary TNBC in my lungs. I was originally diagnosed with breast cancer early August and have just completed 3 rounds of TC to find out that recent scans show some nodes on my lungs have grown - aka secondary cancer. Something no one, including my…