Hi ladies, Saw my oncologist today & he wants to put me on Faslodex injections. Is anyone else having these injections and any side effects? Thanks Ange
Hi I posted yesterday and today received devastating news that my her 2 ER positve breast cancer has gone to my liver.Please does anyone have this and can anyone tell me am I going to die quickly can I get my life insurance so I can bring my children back from overseas. I am numb.Can I live or is this it? What treatment…
Roller coaster ride again.
Oh no .I'm going to loose my hair for the 3rd time ! Saw my oncologist today and she has taken me off the Affinitor and I'm starting back on Abraxane Iv this Friday. At least I'm having a port a cath put in this time, the following week just before Christmas. I was hoping that I would start after Christmas but as my pain…
Help us develop our new booklet.
BCNA needs your assistance with the development of our new metastases booklet. We are looking for quotes about living with brain or lung metastases. Your name would appear in the booklet. For more information please contact Danielle Spence (Head of quality practice) directly - dspence@bcna.org.au
Women living with advanced breast cancer
This is an on-line forum for women living with advanced breast cancer (secondary breast cancer) Somewhere to blog aiming to create a network of likewise people who can support each other through online blogging. Not to discuss treatments and what does and doesn't work, but to support each other through the ups and downs of…
Triple negative BC, mets to lung
i went to see my GP as I had a pain in the back (right side) under my ribs (can only describe as deep within ache) that did not go away with Panadol mainly at night. Also had developed a seroma at front on right side underneath mastectomy scar. GP physically examined me and immediately arranged CT on lung to check for…
Duration of MBC?
Hi ladies - hope this question isn't too confronting, but I'd love to know how many years some of you have gone with "mets"??? One thing I struggled with at the outset was the "how long" question. I was diagnosed in Feb this year. The first oncologist mumbled about 10 years.... Obviously they don't know, and from what I…
Depression over Mets
Hi Everyone, I'm new here and thought I would share my story. I was first diagnosed with breast cancer in November 2012. A lump was removed then 2 weeks later I went back in to get the lymph nodes removed. All went well with the op and all but then a year later another lump was discovered in the other breast so back into…
Hi, I'm new to this kind of discussion so please be patient with me. I was diagnosed with metastasic breast cancer last year. So far with chemotherapy I feel relatively good. But now it is the time of a PAP smear and I so don't want to do it. I'm so scared they find anything. Not that there are any reasons to believe they…
Tumour markers not working for me
Well my tm is not working for me. Dx nearly two years ago and have only had Arimidex and Denosumab. I also have a benign tumour in my salivary gland which is how they found the progression into my cervical spine and in my humerus (left arm). The progression in my spine especially the C2 and C4 had progressed so far that I…
Had discusion with oncologist this week and looks like I will have to start on Afinitor. I had been on Aromison for nearly two years and now my tumor markers are climbing up again. Having a bone scan first. I have heard about the mouth problems. Has any one who has been on this drug got any tips on coping. Wendy h 67
To work or not to work?
i am hoping you lovely ladies could share your thoughts on the dilemma of to work or not to work following a mbc diagnosis? I was Dx Stage IV at the end of September this year. The Se of Afinitor/exemestane/Xgeva were awful and I have basically been on sick leave for the past three weeks bar a few days. I stopped Afinitor…
Secondary Breast Cancer Awareness Day
This year, BCNA plans to recognise Secondary Breast Cancer Awareness Day for the first time. Secondary Breast Cancer Awareness Day is internationally recognised on 13 October each year. It has previously been acknowledged in the UK, US and Europe, but not Australia. Sometimes women with secondary breast cancer tell us they…
Update on stable bone mets but increased tumour markers - Part 2
Hi all, You may recall I posted yesterday about my stable bone scan but rising tm's and fearful of possibility of going onto chemo. Today I went to see my medical oncologist and she did a little "happy dance" in her chair. When I asked her about the rise in tumour markers - up from 71 to 143 in 3 months, she advised that…
Stable bone mets - rising tumour markers
I posted this on Saturday - not as a "New Discussion" but at the end of my previous one - oops, still negotiating the online network ! You may recall that I recently had a bone scan as I had some "renewed pain" in my pelvis and upper femur Sometimes it is painful just sitting on the lounge. More comfortable to stand…